February 5, 2023
"Mostly I just don't understand poetry. I admit it's not the first thing I reach for when I pick up something to read."
Cathedral [1983]
February 4, 2023
Poets are hunch hunters.
What are you talking about?
Well, poets are trying to get
glimpses into what’s going on.
What are you talking about?
Well, poets listen. They watch.
They spend their time trying to
figure out motives and meanings -
and sometimes put it into words.
Doesn’t everybody do that?
You got it. You got it.
Well then, am I a poet?
You are. Yet you have to
figure that out for yourself.
Sometimes you have to try
to put it into words and images
that nobody seems to understand -
especially yourself. You can do it.
© Reflections,
Andy Costello
February 3, 2023
The moon doesn’t ask. It never does.
She just comes up out of deep black
of the ocean – up into the night sky –
bigger than an 18 wheeler – rolling
down the highway of night. What a
neat blessing to live on the edge of
the Atlantic – and watch this happen
most months. Sometimes it’s cloudy
or rainy and the show is called off
that night – but then the orange moon
nights – make up for the rain outs.
Sometimes I wish you’d get the
message: I wish you’d be like that.
© Reflections,
Andy Costello
February 2, 2023
Some of the same things
happen to us every day.
We are repeat performances.
We all have our same shadows -
whether we notice them or not.
We repeat ourselves.
We deceive ourselves.
We meet ourselves on
the back staircase trying
to avoid what’s happening
on the front staircase.
Humility is being honest
to ourselves about ourselves.
Better: to laugh at ourselves.
Now that’s a key to get.