Friday, February 25, 2022

February  25,  2022 

Thought for Today


“Wind moving through grass so that the grass quivers.  This moves me with an emotion I don’t even understand.”


Katherine Mansfield,
Journals, 1928

Statement on the situation in Ukraine from Very Rev. Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R. (Superior General)

Dear Confreres, Sisters, and Partners in Mission, 

It is with a certain urgency that I write to you again today. I believe that most of us are aware of the outbreak of war with the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and the ongoing efforts on the part of world leaders to resolve this situation and prevent further violence. It is evident that this situation will have repercussions which will affect the entire continent of Europe, as well as a greater impact on our wounded world. 

Pope Francis has continued to invite all of us to join in prayerful communion and solidarity with all the victims of war and violence. He has reminded us, and all people of good will, that war is madness, the work of the evil one, and a serious sin that inflicts great wounds on all humanity. 

Here in Rome, the General Government echoes these concerns of the Holy Father. For this reason, I make a heartfelt appeal to all Confreres, Sisters, and Partners in Mission to participate, especially this weekend, in a united prayer for peace, especially in Ukraine. Please dedicate time in each of our Churches, monasteries, convents, communities and homes for this time of prayer, and invite the people of God to join with us. This prayer for peace is an expression of our communion and solidarity with our Redemptorist Brothers and Sisters in both Ukraine and in Russia., as well as with all people. 

It is clear to us that this prayer will embrace and express our deepest longing for peace in every part of our wounded world, among all peoples, on every continent. May our prayer continue to help us to grow in our call to be witnesses of the Redeemer. May this communion express our conviction that we are truly sisters and brothers for we are all children of God. 

In Christ our Redeemer and our Brother,

Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R.

Superior General 

Rome, February 24, 2022

Thursday, February 24, 2022

February 24, 2022 

Thought for Today


“The Church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state but rather the conscience of the state.”


Martin Luther King Jr.

Strength to Love, 1963

 February 24, 2022


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

 February  23, 2022
Feast of St. Polycarp
7 Wednesday Ordinary Time

JAMES 4: 13-17 -



I like today’s first reading – James 4:13 – 17.
Last night I read it a few times and it gave me heavy thoughts.
I also thought, “Let it stand by itself!”
That would be enough, Then I said, “Be poetic.  Why not put it into poetic form? It’s puzzling – so put it in a puzzling poetic form – but keep it simple.    
The homilist is supposed to do something like that with the text – and not just walk away – like a match or a candle going out.
So here’s James 4: 13-17 in poetic form.  I’ll call this, “Tomorrow!”
Wait. I might not get a tomorrow.
I could be just a puff of smoke. I could be just for a moment.
Air hanging in air – just for a moment – then disappearing.
Okay I’ll take today. Right now I’m here in the here and now – of today.
I’m here.  I’ve been there.  But I might not be in the next.
Surprise! In fact I could be gone – by tomorrow.
That’s humbling.
You never know.
That takes away any argument for arrogance.
So I guess the thing to do – the right thing to do – is to do what the letter of James tells us to do, “If the Lord puts me in his will for a next, take it - and live it. -  Take it and say, ‘Thanks.”
To not - to not do that - would be stupid – and actually – it would be a sin.
So today - I’ll do - today. - I’ll try to live today – to the  full.
And tomorrow – I’ll do tomorrow - if I get a tomorrow.  
I hope to.  Thank You God.
Together – we’ll find that one out – like today – like yesterday – but tomorrow

Thank You.

 February 23, 2022


I’d like to be able to say, “You can’t be humble till you’re 50 or over.”
It’s true.
Yet being over 50 and being humbled so many times before and after 50, I know whatever I say has flaws.  So you can’t say, “You can’t be humble till you’re 50 or over.”
Yet it’s true.
By 50 you know you’ve lied to yourself too many times.
By 50 you know you’ve never did the work to make ¾ of your dreams or plans come true.
By 50 you know you’re a sinner and its not just pious words to say that.
By 50 you know you’re failing and one of these days you’re going to die. Your body tells you so.
By 50 you understand what James M. Barrie meant when he said, “Life is a long lesson in humility.”
By 55 – if you’re smart - you have added humor to humility.  Not cynicism, please God.  Humor, please God.
Because if you can’t laugh, you can’t cry over the mistakes and the failures and all the “might have been’s.”
Without humor, you will be a sour old man or woman – angry at everyone but yourself.
With humor, you’ll know it’s you who is responsible and it’s okay.  The rest of the gang has a long list of failures - as well.   They also have  flashes of greatness and goodness – as well.
By 60 you finally realize – experientially – that St. Teresa of Avila’s words are not a flippant cliché.
Her words: “Humility is truth.
You have to  see that -  admit that – cry at that - and laugh at that.
Translation: at yourself.
Enough for now.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2022

February  23,  2022


Thought for Today


“The written word, unpublished, can be destroyed, but the spoken word, can never be recalled.”


Horace, [20 B.C.]