July 31, 2021
for the Day
writer I know has trouble writing.”
Joseph Heller
July 28, 2021
Thought for the Day
“Today, amid the multitude of challenges and the situations … before us … we are asked to rethink how Christianity is embodied, how the living river of the gospel continues to make itself present to slake the thirsts of our people. In order to face this challenge, we have to overcome two possible temptations: to condemn everything, to use a familiar phrase, ‘the past is always better,’ by taking refuge in conservatism or fundamentalism; or conversely, to consecrate everything, by negating all authority that doesn’t ‘taste of novelty,’ making relative the wisdom that comes from the rich patrimony of the church. The path to overcoming these temptations is reflection, discernment, taking church tradition very seriously, and taking reality very seriously, putting the two in dialogue with each other.”
Francis, Video Message to an International Theological Congress, September 1 – 3, 2015