“Thousands have lived without love; not one without water."
W.H. Auden (1907-1973)
Sunday, May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
Some moments are the wrong moment for talking – or listening - if
that’s what we have to do. Some moments both of us both have to become quiet and say, “We need to talk – but not yet.” Some moments we have to take the time to figure out what we really have to talk about. Some moments will finally arrive – they’ll happen and then the listening will begin.
We’ve all seen teenagers stand in the back of the dance floor – near the door – but checking out the dance. They whisper to each other – and head out the door. Sometimes we wish we were somewhere else. We’ve all seen adults in church looking at their watch. They check out the crowd – and if possible they are first ones out the door. Sometimes we wish we were somewhere else. We’ve all seen old folks in nursing homes - down near the front door – hoping the next person coming towards the entrance is coming to see them- but their face says, “No!” Sometimes we wish we were somewhere else. Hopefully, there is some way, we can do something for the young, the middlers, and those in nursing homes – helping them to laugh, to love and to enjoy the ice cream. Sometimes we wish we can be there for somewhere else.
“A successful man is one who makes more money
than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man."
Turner (1920-1995)
Friday, April 30, 2021
April 30, 2021
Jesus voiced it early on: He said we have an inner room.
A comfortable chair helps …. Some music …. Some family photo albums …. A thermos of cold water …. A good pillow …. A warm blanket …. Current and old diaries …. A good ball point pen …. A small soft bed …. An easy light …. No cell phone …. But most importantly we need to spend time there.