November 27, 2020
It happened to him three times.
He’d tell a joke and nobody laughed.
And then there was silence.
Then one of those who heard it,
told it and got a good laugh – and
he was in the crowd who heard it.
It happened again a second time
and then again, a third time – and both
times it crushed and mushed him.
While driving home alone that night
he mumbled to himself: “This has
been happening to me all my life.”
It happened to him in high school.
He got a C – for a story that took
him two whole weeks to write.
Another kid heard him tell it to
another kid on the bus. That kid
sort of rewrote it and got an A +.
Who said, “Life is fair"?
He was telling this to his grandfather
who said, “There were 3 crucifixions
that day – not just Jesus.”
Years later he told someone that in
another context and someone overheard
him and told him, “That was a great insight.”
He’d tell a joke and nobody laughed.
And then there was silence.
told it and got a good laugh – and
he was in the crowd who heard it.
and then again, a third time – and both
times it crushed and mushed him.
he mumbled to himself: “This has
been happening to me all my life.”
He got a C – for a story that took
him two whole weeks to write.
another kid on the bus. That kid
sort of rewrote it and got an A +.
who said, “There were 3 crucifixions
that day – not just Jesus.”
another context and someone overheard
him and told him, “That was a great insight.”
© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020