Saturday, October 10, 2020

 October 10,   2020



Two cups of tea are better  than one –
that is if you have 45 minutes to chat.
That is if you have time to figure out and
sort out with a friend what’s happening.
Rye bread with cold butter or raspberry jam
or Entenmanns or pound cake also works.
Listening, experience, but more listening
than experience is also a key to good tea.
Men do beer – or a cup of coffee, but
tea still is better.  Try it out for size.
Then one of you will say, “Gotta run!”
Thinking back – time will tell you. Tea works.



© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

October 10, 2020


Thought for Today


“There is a communion of more than wine or body when bread is broken and wine is drunk.”



M.F.K. Fisher,

The Gastronomical Me

Friday, October 9, 2020

 October  9, 2020




Poems – can be – but they better not be:  toxic.
Gossip – often is - yes. Jealous and envious folks
trying to get over being dumped from relationships,
yes, toxic - when they find someone else to talk to.
But poetry no. No. No. No.  Avoid being  toxic – it
can slither into the bedroom or backyards of others.
Poetry should be uplifting – floating clouds –
floating soul stuff. Poetry is about being amazed
at a child’s crayon drawings or a Georgia O’Keeffe
or Van Gogh field of flowers or a stary, stary night  -
as the words and images of a poem sooth the soul
and breath fresh air into the whole house and all of us



© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

October 9, 2020


Thought for Today

"I only go to Mass when somebody asks me,  but when I get in trouble, I call for a priest."  

Broderick Crawford


Thursday, October 8, 2020

 October 8,  2020



Poems  arrive not as steam engines in movies –
huffing and puffing – as they slide to a stop  -
on silver tracks - into the station of my mind.
No,  they fall from trees like autumn leaves,
red, orange, yellow – sometimes with black dots –
better spot them - better jot them down -
while they are still on the sidewalk
in front of my  house – before they crumble
and break apart or blow down the street
and get stuck in hedges or in the gutters of my roof.


© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

 October 8, 2020


Thought for Today


 “Deep experience is never peaceful.”


Henry James

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

 October  7, 2020



filled with mysteries,
like beads on a rosary,
like pearls on a necklace,
like drops of blood on the ground.

filled with announcements, 
visits, births, presentations, findings,
as well as sorrowful moments 
false accusations, beatings,
thorns, crosses to carry – then death.

filled with hopes
of resurrection and transfigurations,
the coming of the Spirit,
baptisms, weddings, and Masses
time to ponder all that Mary went through –
on the journey from Nazareth to  Calvary.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020