Thursday, September 3, 2020

September   3,   2020


The first cry of a new born baby ….

A violin being played by an 8 year old girl 
at her grandmother’s funeral ….

A dog barking as we come up the driveway ….

Shaking trees creaking on a cold night ….

A commuter train screaming it's coming 
into a railroad crossing ....

A "Phew!" coming out of the confession box ....

An  “I’m sorry” from a daughter who’s been
out of the family loop for 11 years ….

Hearing the name called out of a family member
at a college graduation …. Summa cum laude ….

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020
September 3,  2020

Thought   for  Today

“It is the certainty that they possess the truth that makes them cruel.”

French writer

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September  2.  2020


Sorry to say, I’ve seen so many people
reading James Paterson and Mary Trump,
best sellers and off beat books – while
never turning a page from the life of their
grandfather or old neighbor sitting in a
wheelchair – next door - on a back porch -
getting some sun or some fresh air.

© Andy Costello,
Reflections 2020
Painting by Albert Anker
Swiss painter.


The title of my thoughts for this morning is: “If  You  Ever  Get To Israel.”

If you ever get to Israel,  it probably will be on a Christian tour.

And one of the spots you’ll go to is Capernaum.

It’s featured big time in the Gospels – but it hasn’t been that big a deal down through the centuries after Christ.

In Jesus’ time it was a tiny town – with about 1500 people – on the northwest shore of the Lake of Galilee.

You get off the bus and walk a short distance to go through the gate into city.

Today it’s a tour spot that only has basically  2 spots to look at: the synagogue and Peter’s house  - both of which are mentioned in today’s gospel.

The Franciscans bought property there – above the Lake – and in and around 1867 there was excavations there – as well as  after 1967.

I was in Israel for 10 days in the year 2000 - January.

We were in Capernaum for about 2 hours in a morning.

We went into the Synagogue remains. It’s a small rectangular building with sides, but no roof. It was very clean. You can sit on the hard stone steps along the side. It has a large open space in whole center of the former synagogue – like a small church without seats.

Our tour was a retreat, so we had an hour of quiet. Father Steven Doyle was giving the tour and the retreat.  He read a gospel like today’s – made some comments – and then  gave us time to reflect.  The 22 of us priests making the tour and the retreat  became quiet. Hey, we were in a sacred place.  My prayer was the prayer of the man with demons in yesterday’s gospel and the people with demons in today’s gospel: “Jesus you are the Son of God.”

Archaeologists say the present structure is from the 4th century. They say it’s a synagogue built upon a synagogue.  They date it - based on coins in the mortar holding together the big stones of the synagogue.

After the hour of prayer, we went about 40 to 50 yards  to what archaeologists   said was Peter’s mother-in-law house.  They figure an octagonal church was built on top of an older building.  In 1990 they finished a hexagonal church – with steps up into the building – with glass floors – so you can see the ruins of an older church below – which was built on what some think was Peter’s house.

After that we went outside before heading out the gate to the bus.  Father Steven Doyle pointed to a red roofed church about a mile away. He said it’s a Byzantine church. He pointing to small clumps of earth or  small bumpy hills all around it. He said, “Under those small hills is a lot of rubble and ruin to excavate in the future.”

When in Israel, there is plenty of time.

We were on Franciscan property and they had done most of the work where we had just visited. Amen.

September   2,   2020

Thought  for  Today

“The morning is wiser than the evening.

Russian Proverb
Garden St. Mary's


Tuesday, September 1, 2020



The title of my thoughts for today is,  “September 1st: World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.”


Today’s 1st reading from 1st Corinthians ends with the words, “Have the mind of Christ.”

What is the mind of Christ when it comes to our care of the earth?

Jesus  told us to watch and marvel at the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. 

However, I don’t think we can be definitive as to Christ’s thoughts about hydroelectric power plants and light bulbs.

Yet, I believe,  we can come up with opinions on what we think would be smart thoughts about caring for the earth in 2020 – of course.

So some thoughts about the care of creation in 2020.


Calling this day “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” has been around since 2015 for us Catholics,.

However, I don’t remember speaking about  this in the past few years. 

So last night I did some home work and these are a few of my thoughts.

I like that the Eastern Orthodox wing of the Christian Churches began this idea.

Back in the mid-80’s at a big Eastern Orthodox assembly the issue of environment was discussed big time. Patriarch Bartholomew  ends up with the nickname, “The Green Patriarch.”

Around 2001 different European Christian communities picked up on this theme and did their best to make worldwide improvements  in how we care for creation.

Then in August of 2015 Pope Francis makes his move – by backing the idea of September 1st as a special day to look at the environment.

There were documents – called encyclicals from Eastern Orthodox leaders and then Laudato Si from Francis.

We can ask ourselves what have we picked up from this focusing on Green Theology etc.

I like the way for different years and different meetings, groups looked at specific areas. For example:  The Black Sea, the Danube, the Adriatic Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Amazon, the Artic, the Mississippi.

I like the way folks looked at water – not just for baptism, but for drinking, for agriculture, for recreation, for aqua filters, etc.

Then there have been calls to look at agriculture and nutrition, air and atmosphere.


Next I looked back to the late 1960’s and Monsignor Bob  Fox picking 4th street in Manhattan as a street to be cleaned.dd

On a Saturday, hundreds of people started on Avenue D near the East River and swept and cleaned their way to the Hudson River on the West Side.  They had trucks, brooms, shovels and plastic bags and they did it.

I also remember a specific lot – around 6th street – perhaps between Avenue B and C - where a building had sat. Now it was just dirt and an empty lot.  In this  vacuum of space were two old  rusty cars – toilet bowls – tons of garbage and waste – a couch.  A group cleared it – planted grass – put in some benches and a few cement card and chess tables, a vegetable garden, lights, trees and flowers – painting the back fences etc. and that lasted for my 2 years on the Lower East Side.

It was a model on what could be done.

I loved hearing about the Cayuga River in Ohio being cleansed.  There were newspaper articles that it was the river that had so much oil on it – that it once was on fire.

I like Gene Grohe’s pride that Lake Erie has been cleansed a good bit.

So too  Perfume Bay – Stink Creek – just before Coney Island. As kids when we went to Coney Island – when we went over this water on the subway – we would pause and yell out the open window, “Phew!” and make out we were choking. It has been cleansed a bit.

I noticed last night that finally that the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn might finally get  its $500 million clean up check.


So once a year now Christians ask that September 1st we concentrate on how we are caring for the earth.

So talk, pray, and act is the message.

September  1,  2020


If I died tonight ….

If I died tonight I’d regret
about 10 times I didn’t say, “I’m sorry”,
about 3 times I didn’t ask, “Please forgive me!”
about 1,000 unanswered letters,
about 10,000 wasted hours,
about 10 books I didn’t finish writing,
about 1,000 books I didn’t read,
that only once did I got scream back 
from a sermon I preached,
and there’s more ….

If I died tonight ….

If I died tonight I’d rejoice
that I got to the Lake of Galilee,
that I the last thing I said to my brother
before he died was, “I love you,”
that I gave it my best shot 81%
of the times,
that I could hit a curve ball,
that I listened to people when then
asked to talk to me,
that I had a wonderful family,
that I lucked out in the people I met
and there’s more ….

If I wake up tomorrow …. there’s more.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020