Monday, August 24, 2020

August  24,   2020


It was early afternoon - just resting
in a comfy bed – taking a siesta –
the sun sliding through the venetian
blinds – and I was looking at dust
coming and going – dust  floating in
the air  like astronauts – in my bedroom.     
Was I seeing what was part of Jason
down the street or grandma next door –
dust coming or going – dandruff or dried
skin from their right arm or left ankle?
Would some of this dust become
part of the tomato patch next door?
Is this how some guru from the Ganges
came up with the idea of reincarnation
or was it because he lost his friend
from down the street or his grandma
next door – who died  quietly on an
afternoon – on a day just like today.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

Drawing :You're Never Alone
in a Dusty Apartment,
The New York Times

August  24, 2020 

Thought  for  Today 

“I have the true feeling of myself only when  I  am  unbearably  unhappy.”

Franz  Kafka, 
Diaries 1914-1923 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

August   23,  2020


Mix, O Lord, a mixture of
compassion and mercy
in this bowl called “Me”.

Blend Your best flow –
intermingle – agitate my
soul – again and again.

For good, better, best -
of course, so that those
who come into contact

with me - come away with
better ways of being in Holy
Communion with each other.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

August  23, 2020

Thought  for  Today

“The  boughs  of the oak are roaring inside the acorn  shell.”  

Charles  Tomlinson,  
A  Sense  of  Distance 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

August 22, 2020


When we have step back …. 
When we look long … 
sometimes, we’ll  see patterns.  

But when we’re just seeing 
the moment, when we’re 
just seeing one thread 
working its way into the fabric 
of our  life, it’s  not enough…. 

Yet, when we can’t sleep, 
when we’re on a  plane flight 
or a summer vacation,  or in 
a hurt, the patterns are there. 
Sometimes our life  makes sense. 

But if we don’t pause – we might  
have to wait till old age to discover  
there are patterns in the fabric of our life. 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020 
August   22,   2020

Thought  for Today

"Enter this door 
as  if  the floor 
within were gold; 
and every wall 
of jewels all 
of wealth untold; 

As if a choir 
in robes of fire 
were singing here; 
nor shout nor rush 
but hush … 
for God is here.” 

In the vestibule
of  many a church
in England.

Friday, August 21, 2020

August   21,   2020


Victory for everyone. 
…..  ve, 
the last two letters  
of some very important words:  
give, serve, save, live, love;  
the ending 
of some very important actions:  
to give, 
to serve, 
to save, 
to live, 
to love, 
and then when we do them 
we experience 
victory for everyone.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020