Monday, April 27, 2020

April  27,  2020

Thought  for  Today:

"It's important to remember that everyone has something they are dealing with, whether they are sharing it or not.  It helps to be understanding and accommodating."

Marissa Mayer, Lumi Labs Co-Founder,
from comments asked of the Time 
Magazine 100 about the best way
 to lead during times of crisis. 
Page 90, Time, April 27-May 4, 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 26, 2020


He expected his wife
to be an airlines attendant.
It was as simple as that,
but it took her a while –
to figure this out -
to realize "Fetch" was her nickname -
but he didn't know - she knew -
that he didn't know - all this.
Getting him this
and getting him that:
a pillow, a magazine, a snack.
He never gave;
he always got.
She never sat;
she only served.
He: watching her walk
down the aisle.
She: smiling, the last one
to fasten her seat belt -
in any turbulence -
in the flight  of their life -
till one day she said -
on the 44th day of the coronavirus,
“It’s time for me to quit my job
and take another flight.”

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020


April 26, 2020

Thought  for  Today

“Traditional  autobiography  has  generally had a poor press.   The novelist Daphne du Maurier condemned all examples of this literary form as self-indulgent.  Others have quipped that autobiography reveals nothing bad about the writer except his memory.  George Orwell thought that an autobiography can be trusted only ‘when it reveals something disgraceful.’  His reasons?  ‘A man who gives  a good account of himself is probably lying.’  Sam  Goldwyn came to this conclusion: ‘I didn’t think anybody should write his autobiography until after he’s dead.’”  

From Autobiography – 
A Life Decoded by 
J. Craig Venter

Saturday, April 25, 2020

April 25, 2020


Bread broken – God crying -
when people refuse to share
their bread, their lives,  their
talents, their time, their tears,
their concern with their neighbors.

Bread taken – God leaping
out of gold bowls into the
hands of children receiving
their First Communion –
but not this year of the virus.

Bread wanted – God shared
by  old people  - knowing so
many meanings of the old
prayer, “Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us ….”

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

Thought for Today

“When  this  is  over,  the  world  must gather.”   

Mikhail Gorbachev 
page 53, Time Magazine,
April 27 - May 4, 2020

This issue of Time is
entitled, "Finding Hope"
A Time 100 Special Report
This picture is from an
article by Mikhail Gorbachev

Friday, April 24, 2020

April 24, 2020


20 years from now, will this year
have a name: “The Year that Wasn’t”
or, “The Year When Everything Changed”
or, “2020 Hindsight” or “2020: Out of Sight”
or “We Never Knew When It Would End?”

It might be the year we missed out on
Easter, Spring, Mother’s  Day, Father’s
Day, March Madness, the Baseball
Season, Graduations, Weddings, Wakes
and Funerals: the ending of it all.

But down deeper there are wonderings and
there are questions. Will we have a new fix
on faith and family and on ourselves?  Will
folks get back to church or will all be asking,
“God where the heck  were You in 2020?”

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2020

April   24,   2020

Thought  for  Today

 “It’s more difficult to read than Dante in the  original -  even if you don’t  know  Italian!”  

Tom Phillips, 
on Dorothy L, Sayer’s 
translation of Dante, 
BBC Radio 3,  
November 1993

Cute comment: but 
to be fair I need to
know Italian, to have
read Dante in Italian
along with Sayer's
translation.  I probably
won't get to doing this,
but it's a cute comment.
I hope Dorothy didn't
read this.