Saturday, November 23, 2019


“Jello”, what an interesting name -
for a dog - white, fluffy, a non-stop -
high energy poodle. Even as a puppy -
I thought she should have been named
“Snuggles” or “Sadie” but never,  “Jello”.

Then came the insight scene for me.
Some cousins came for a kid’s birthday -
along with their 2 dogs - Ralph and Rogaine -
Rogaine - no hair - and Ralph - half pit bull.
Surprise, surprise,  Jello stood her own
in a fight for a lamb chop bone. “Grrrrr!”

Didn’t know it was in her?  Wondering:
What’s in these kids? What will we see
in them down the line - on some day
like today? Certainly, they are going

to have days like gentle Jello. “Grrrrr!”

 © Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

November 23, 2019 - 

Thought for today: 

“My  children  insist that I introduced the word ‘No’ to the Western world. It’s a distinction I don’t deserve though. I am sure that I’m not the first mother in North America to use the word ‘No.’  In fact, there is no doubt in my mind that when historians decipher cave markings of pre-historic cave dwellers and discover etched in a rock a plaintive ‘Mom! Can I eat the leftover bear!’ her response chiseled below will translate into, ‘No! I’m saving it for lunch!’”

Erma. Bombeck



The title of my homily is, “Three Time Periods.”

There are 3 time periods - 3 time zones - 3 states  that we can be in.

Sometimes in our life we have stood on the edge of 2 states or even 3 or 4 as in Four Corners in the south west. There are kids games like “potsy” - a New York City term - where kids jump from box to box marked with chalk.

So the title of my homily is “Three Time Periods”.

They are the Past, the Present and the Future.

They are Before, After and Now.

They are Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.


To be human is to have the ability to choose where we want to be.

To be human is to have the ability to be in all 3 in a moment.

To be human is to have the ability to be in all 3 at once.

To be human is to have one period predominate - as an “It all depends.”

To be human is to get stuck in a state where we might not want to be.

To be human is to use verbs like, “remember” - as in, “I remember when we used to” or the verb to “hope” - as in, “I hope we have an easy winter.” or “want” - as in, “I want what I want when I want it - like right now.”

Consciousness of where we are at any given moment is an awareness skill that is worth having - and worth reflecting on - as in this short sermon.


I wonder about animals at times.  I haven’t taken courses on animal psychology - etc. etc. etc.  How does time work with animals. I’ve never seen dog or cats with watches on.

How does memory work with animals - as in elephants heading for a water hole of 25 years ago - when they are in a drought season right here, right now - and can’t find water in their present surroundings.


Today’s 2 readings trigger these thoughts about wondering where people are in their time zones. King Antiochus is wandering around like a scavenger - hoping to rob a Persian city.  That’s future looking. He’s also pondering about his past - the destruction he did -  but also worried about dying in his future -  because of what he did to Jerusalem - in his awful past. He’s a mixed up guy.

Today’s gospel is all about worrying about the future - which some people who get married again - worry  about when they die and are “uh ohing” about their future - if they meet their earlier spouse.  It tells this fun story and attack story about life after death - when 7 brothers die and all married the same woman.


So there are learnings and wonderings about time that we can consider.  For example, here are a few:

People can get stuck in one period of time  to the detriment of another time.

The hereafter is not going to be what we expect it to be.

We can try, but we can’t change the past.

Forgiveness is a better skill to have than regrets.

Wars are always happening if we look at enough time periods - like there will always be wars in the middle east. Here’s a  few going on in today’s first reading.


How am I right now?  What happened. Next?


Someone said: “You are younger today than you ever will be again. Make use of it for the sake of tomorrow.”

Friday, November 22, 2019

November 22, 2019

Thought for today: 

“Music  is  what  feelings sound like.”   

Feast of St. Cecilia


I dropped into church just for Mass -
not to sing, not to hear a sermon - but
actually to hide myself in God or quiet -
just to be for 45 minutes or so, but the
priest, the music, the sermon, got in
my face, into my mind, into my being -
and I couldn’t hide behind the back pole
in the Church - as I planned. God was
there, Oh no! God was everywhere in
that moment. Oh no! Oh yes, I AM.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019
Happy to note, this is the 7000
piece on this blog - that I
started with the help of
Norm Constantine back
on June 17, 2007.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

November 21, 2019


Oh, I know, you’re sitting there with
unspoken, unasked questions - and
quess what? You have questions
you don’t even know you have.
I’m seeing question marks on your
face. I’m hearing questions in your
voice.  You have, “What ifs?” But,
better, if you can quiet down your
inner anger and persistent scream,
then the questions you should be
asking and eventually answering
might be surfaced and then surprise!

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

November 21, 2019 - 

Thought for today: 

“An idealist is one who in noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make a better soup.”  

H.L. Mencken, page 149 
in Points to Ponder, Reader’s 
Digest, March 1990