Tuesday, August 27, 2019

August 25, 2019


Sometimes because of before
and afterwards,  we can miss
what happened in the in between.

Anticipation and  failed expectations
can do that every time.  Regrets
and hopes can ruin reality. Sorry.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

August 24, 2019

Thought for today: 

“Don Marquis, a humorist playwright and columnist who die in 1957, said, ‘I get up in the morning with an idea for a three volume novel and by nightfall it’s a paragraph in my column.’”

Saturday, August 24, 2019


Understanding is a work in progress.
In other words, one needs to take a
lot of time to understand - sometimes
to understand just one other person -
like in marriage. It takes time. It takes
making time for finding out how the
other person thinks, remembers,
saying things like, “I was thinking
about something you said the other
day. Do I have it right when you
said….” It takes great questions:
“What’s it like to have a baby?”
“What’s it like to feel you're in prison?”
“What’s it like to feel misunderstood?”

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019

August 23, 2019


Every morning, after brushing our teeth,
it would be wise to look in the mirror,
stick out our tongue and say a prayer
that we use our tongue well, today -
that we don’t hurt anyone with a tough
word - that we praise and affirm at
least one person today -  and then that
night to look in the mirror - look at our
tongue - and talk to each other how we
worked together - and then thank God
if together we made a better world today.

 © Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

August  23, 2019 

Thought for today: 

“One  picture is worth  a  thousand diets.” 

Charisse Goodman

Thursday, August 22, 2019

August  22.,  2019


Sometimes some poems make 
some particulars seem so particular: 
like poinsettias in a poem by John Shea;
like The Fish  in a poem by Elizabeth Bishop;
like trampolines in a poem by Denise Levertov;
like “The Red Wheelbarrow” or the plums 
that were in the ice box that were so delicious
in a poem by William Carlos Williams; 
and then you walk into the kitchen.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019
That's William Carlos Williams
reciting his poem, "This is Just to Say ...."

August  22, 2019 

Thought for today: 

“A good scare is worth more than good advice.”  
