Thursday, July 18, 2019

July 18, 2019


She caught the tossed bouquet
at the wedding - just a month ago -
but no knight in shining armor
has appeared to tilt her windmill.

In fact the flowers have faded.
Dead petals landed on her floor.
It was a Saturday moment of fantasy.
Life doesn’t work like that anymore.

Instead ….

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

July  18, 2019 

Thought for today: 

“When man substituted God for the Great Goddess he at the same time substituted authoritarian for humanistic values.”  

Elizabeth Gould Davis, 
The First Sex, 1971

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July  17, 2019  

Thought for today: 

“Religion is not an opiate, for religion does not help people to forget, but to remember.  It does not dull people.  It does not say Take, but Give.”  

Bede Jarrett, 
The Catholic Mother  1956

July 17, 2019


Did you ever wonder what grace is?

I want to say it’s the electricity that keeps
the air conditioner going on a hot day.

I want to say it’s water cooler in the
corridor 500 feet from my office door.

But I rather say it’s what keeps the 100
cars around me on the highway safe. 

I rather say it’s the waiter coming around
and asking again if anyone wants water.   

I rather say it’s the neighbor who takes his
dog out to a tree so as not to wake a neighbor.

Did you ever wonder what grace is?    

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

July 16, 2019


It’s good to consciously - deliberately -
stop, pause, for at least one moment -
even if it’s for just one minute - each day.

Brace oneself  - lean against a bedroom
wall - hold a banister tightly, or just sit
comfortably in a comfortable chair.

It’s good to do this because the rest of
the day might be dizzy - with something
going wrong - no, not an earthquake.

Pause at a doorway - or the top or bottom -
of a staircase - and say, “Lord, before my
next, I ask YOU to be with me today.”

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

July  16, 2019 

Thought for today: 

“If the lack of singing is an index of exile, then we are in it, for we are a people who scarcely can sing.” 

Walter Brueggemann,  
The Prophetic Imagination, 1978

Monday, July 15, 2019

July 15, 2015


St.  Bonaventure was big about God’s
footprints. They are everywhere.

Okay fingerprints as well.
Spot them everywhere.

It took a long time for a few of
us to walk on the moon.

Tell me who formed and sculpted the
Milky Way or the mountains of Mars?

St. Bonaventure - his feast is today -
said, “Check out the footprints.”

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019