Monday, July 1, 2019


[This  takes 10  minutes - only 10 minutes.] 

Sitting down - take your right hand ….
Hold it up and out and rub it
calmly with your left hand.

Feel your left thumb and fingers massaging
your right hand - thumb - and fingers - front
and back and each part  front and back.

Bending, rubbing, massaging …
Now do the same with your right hand
and fingers to your left hand.

Now after five minutes - doing both hands -
bring the palms of both hands together
in the classic form of praying hands.

With eyes closed feel the skin of both
hands touching - palm to palm - finger tips
to finger tips - calm - peace -  those palms.

[Do this  for 10 minutes - only 10 minutes.]

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019
Praying Hands: Albrecht  Durer [1471-1528]

July  1, 2019 

Thought for today: 

“Till I was 13,  I thought my name was ‘Shut  Up.’”  

Joe Namath, I Can’t 
Wait  until Tomorrow
Random House, 1969

Sunday, June 30, 2019

June 30, 2019

We make steel swords and blades….
God makes blades of green grass….

We make clubs and police billy sticks …
God makes willow and oak trees ….

We make guns and howitzers ….
God creates the gentle breeze  ….

We take rocks and throw them ….
God creates Mount Everest ….

We spit words of complaint  at each other ….
God speaks the Word made flesh to us ….

We make walls to wall each other out ….
God makes paths that can lead to peace ….

Okay we make strawberry sundaes ….
And God creates volcanoes of fire ….

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

June  30, 2019 

Thought for today: 

“When they boo you,  you know they mean you.”  

George Halas  on San Francisco,  
his “favorite  booing  city,”   
recalled on his death, Oct. 31, 1983. 

Saturday, June 29, 2019

June 29, 2019


A  yawn, 
a universal, all languages, message, 
like a crossing guard’s hand signal 
to stop everything 
and let another’s being to catch up 
with itself and then get back to where 
it was and where it was going. 
Oh, “Hi!” and “Hello!” 
“Now what were you trying to say?” 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

June  29, 2019 

Thought for today: 

“I hope,  when I stop,  people will think that I mattered.”  

Martina Navratilova, 
International Herald Tribune
July 22, 1986.

Friday, June 28, 2019


Walking into ….
Yes I do a lot of that in a lifetime. 

Front doors, side doors, glass,
opened, closed, hesitant … doors …. 

I look around: I see faces. Who’s there? 
What’s there?  Now what? I pause. 

Life …. I’ve been in a lot of places,
a lot of spaces, a lot of lives …. 

Now what? How many more doors do I enter
before I'll then end up being carried out? 

Ok, there is always the background music - while I trust  in God there is no, “That’s it!” 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019