Saturday, May 11, 2019


Not every meal is a Last Supper,
but let’s hope every meal has people
breaking bread and words - people
connecting - digesting - chewing - nourishing -
working to understand each other’s comments.

Not every meal is a Last Supper,
but let’s hope every meal has people
in real presence with each other -
and transubstantiation and holy
communion - people becoming Christ together.

Not every meal is a Last Supper,
but let’s hope every Mass, every meal
breaks us of our aloneness and selfishness
and fills us with grace - especially
the grace of otherness - together.

 © Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

 May    11, 2019 - 

Thought for today: 

“When I was a child, I always hated being used in my  father's sermons, shrunk to a symbol to illustrate some larger lesson, flattened out to give other people comfort or instruction or even a laugh. It did some violence to my third dimension; it made it difficult for me to breathe. 'That's not me,' I would think, listening to some fable where a stick figure of myself moved automatically toward a punishing moral. 'That has nothing to do with me at all.' If I had a soul, I thought, it was that resistance, which would never let another human being have the last word on me.” 

Patricia Lockwood, Priestdaddy: A Memoir.

Friday, May 10, 2019


I turn the key, 
the door opens .... 
I turn the key,
the car starts …. 
I wish I had the key 
to understanding 
who you are and 
what makes you tick. 
Knock, knock ….
Who’s there this time? 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

May    10, 2019 

Thought for today: 

“Life is a gamble at terrible odds - if it were a bet,  you wouldn’t take it.”  

Tom Stoppard [1937- 
in Rosencrantz and 
Guildenstern Are Dead 
[1967], Act. 3.

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Sometimes - as the old 
advertisement put it:
we let our fingers do
the walking. Sometimes
our fingers do the talking ….
when others notice us
doing a nervous tapping 
of our fingers on the steering 
wheel - or on the table - 
or on the shoulder of a loved 
one - just before she goes 
through the door for surgery.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

May    9, 2019 - 

Thought for today:

“God is subtle but God is not malicious.”  

Raffiniert ist der Herrgott, aber boshaft ist er nicht.”  

Albert Einstein [1878-1955] 
made this remark at Princeton 
on May 9th, 1921.  It was later
carved above the fireplace 
of the Common Room  
of the Fine Hall 
(the Mathematical Institute), 
Princeton  University - 
in R.W.  Clark, Einstein (1973), 
Chapter 14

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Sometimes the best thing to do
is to go silent.  When the other
is not listening …. When the other
has the answer …. When the other
is ignoring us … it might be the
best time to be like the submarine -
take down the periscope and submerge
down into the silent deep down below.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019