The title of my homily for this Tuesday of the Third Week of
Easter is, “What’s Your Take On Anger.”
I got that question
and issue to think about from today’s first reading. [Cf. Acts 7: 51 to 8: 1a]
The crowd gets infuriated when Stephen tells them off.
He says, “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart
and ears, you always oppose the Holy Spirit, you are just like your ancestors.”
Hearing this they throw him out of town and begin to stone
him to death.
How many times have we seen that same scene?
Saul - who becomes Paul - saw it and wow did he take a lot
out of it, but it took him time.
My earliest memory of
anger was as a little boy walking along 4th Avenue in Brooklyn. We
were going by a gas station and two
mechanics are screaming at each other - and one guy throws a metal tire wrench
- the solid one piece ones - in the shape of a plus sign or a cross - at the
other guy and misses him. I can still
hear the clang of that sound on macadam or cement all these years - and my shoulders
still jerk back and up when I remember that moment.
Little kids hear anger and screaming and it effects and
affects them.
I never could get affect and effect correct - and cheat and
say, “It’s often both.”
We have all seen couples, parents, kids, angry, screaming
and yelling at each other.
What’s your take on anger?
What are your memories of anger?
What are the angry scenes - on stage - in the auditorium of your
mind and memory?
We don’t have to define anger or look the word up in the
dictionary. We know what anger is.
But I think it’s smart to think of types of anger.
There’s good anger and there’s bad anger.
Everyone who comes to church has heard that Jesus got angry
at the money changers in the temple - and threw a tantrum at the crowd.
So sometimes anger is good and justified. We should get
angry at those who abuse children - or anyone.
Do you get angry at those who dump on the earth or empty
out their car garbage onto the parking
lot or gas station floor - especially when there’s a big plastic can a few feet
away. A couple of times I’ve said, “Hey
you just dropped this.” It could be a McDonald’s wrapper of a Burger King big chocolate shake
cup. If they don’t go back and pick it
up - that means I have to do that.”
I remember reading about a sociological study and experiment
in New Orleans or Nashville or somewhere. During the night for a week -
including a weekend - they cleaned a
street totally and then measured and weighed the amount of wrappers and garbage
that night. Then then they planted garbage on the street and measured the
amount that night. Lesson: clean streets, parks, rest rooms, stay cleaner, the
cleaner they are.
I dislike - have a calm low degree of anger - when I’m at a
ballgame and everyone just dumps all their garbage on the ground - under their
seats - or when I see the dugout by the 7th inning.
What bothers you? What bugs you? What annoys you? What
angers you? What does your anger list look like?
So there’s good anger and bad anger and so so anger.
There’s also revelatory anger. That’s anger that tells the
person who is angry their values. If you get angry at dumpers and slobs - that should
tell you that you like neat.
For example, some people get angry at talkers in church -
before and after mass. Other people
think it’s great to see neighbors and friends greeting each other in church
before and after Mass.
For example, some people go crazy with mismanagement -
stupidity - like at the post office - when three counter people are just
standing there off to the side talking and laughing and the line is 15 deep -
and finally someone of the 3 finish a story and go over to their spot on the
counter and yell, “Next!” Good management, good service, flow in a parking lot,
etc. etc. etc. are at stake here. Then
there was the heart specialist in California - who said to his heart
patients. When you go into a bank,
always pick the longest line. When you’re 2nd in line - get off -
and go to the back of the longest line. While standing there try to recall the
names of everyone in your high school graduating class. I’ve tried that. I’ve
tried that. It works. But I don’t have
an E-ZPass and I always pick the longest toll booth.
Some people get angry at long sermons - they gotta get to
work - or they know that someone could say the same thing in 10 words or less.
For example: “Hey turkey, don’t you realize, you’re getting angry too much.: That’s 10 words.
For example, “In the end, Stephen forgives.” That’ 5 words.