Wednesday, February 14, 2018

February 14, 2018


the visible on the way
to becoming  the invisible ….
Anne’s remains …. Jack’s cremains ….
being buried in a hard ground cemetery -
or into a marble wall - or kept on a shelf
above a fire place - while down below
a piece of paper is turning to ashes -
along with two logs in a fireplace -
crumbling as we watch all this
in our living room chairs ….
There better be a God after all
these visible things turn to ashes ….
Those words of Jesus, “I am the
resurrection and the life …” I’m relying
on them as I know I too will turn to ash.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018

February 14, 2018

Black History Month Thought for today: 

"Love  makes  your soul crawl out from its hiding place."  

Zora Neale Hurston

Tuesday, February 13, 2018



The title of my homily for this 6th Tuesday in Ordinary Time is, “Temptation: Whose Fault Is It?”

A couple of months ago there were articles in the papers and on National Public Radio that Pope Francis wants to change the Our Father.

I read the articles back then - but didn’t give them enough time and thought and study.

So when I read today’s first reading from James and his comments about temptation, I decided to do a little research on what I might have missed  a few months ago in Pope Francis’ comments.


James says, “No one experiencing temptation should say, ‘I am being tempted by God’; for God is not subject to temptation to evil, and he himself tempts no one. Rather each person is tempted when lured and enticed by his desire.  Then desire conceives and brings forth sin, and when sin reaches maturity it gives birth to death.”  [James 1: 13-15.]

That’s rather dogmatic. That’s rather clear. Don’t blame God [POINT FINGER] when it comes to being destroyed by a temptation.  Check out those other four fingers pointing back on ourselves.

That text from James uses the language of pregnancy: desire, conception, birth - then death - an abortion of one’s spirit. Powerful poetry - language - imagery.

And in reading various articles and newspaper comments about Pope Francis’ comments about the Our Father being changed a bit - this text from James is used by various folks.


The hubbub is all about changing the phrase “and lead us not into temptation” into “do not let us fall into temptation.”

The pope and others want to point out that the Our Father prayer is saying, “God doesn’t tempt us - God does not tempt us into temptation - we do.” So we pray to God to not let us fall into temptation.

That’s basically the question in hand. That’s what the pope wants to possibly change. Right now the  prayer can sound like it’s  sort of saying that God leads people into temptation - whereas God doesn’t do that.


We better add that we’re dealing here with translations.

The Pope is aware that the Italian church has been dealing with this since 2001, 2002, and 2008. The Spanish speaking Catholic dioceses have also been studying this and suggesting a basic change. Lately, the immediate situation is the French Church.

Most of the articles I was reading last night talked about the prayer being started by Jesus in Aramaic. In time, we next  have 2 versions of that prayer in Greek. We can find them in Luke 11: 3-4 and Matthew 6: 10-13.

Then we have the Vulgate. That’s the Latin translation. Then in time we have the modern languages.


To make it more complex and more complicated the Our Father is a rooted prayer in the prayer psyche of so many people.

So to change the wording, we’re tinkering with some deep stuff here.

Everyone knows the prayer - and this includes not just Catholics - but also our Protestant brothers and sisters.

For example, most Protestant scholars know that the addition of “For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,” was added on long after the gospels were written - yet they are part of so many traditions. In fact, the Catholic Church added it onto the prayer in the Mass - but a bit further down in time.

To make it even more complex I noticed someone said  the key word is not the verb “to lead” but the noun “temptation”. That word “temptation” is the word and issue to change - and to change the prayer to say, “test” not “temptation”.


 I would think that they might change the Our Father a slight bit in our future. But when? My bet would be on when the next big revision of the Mass prayers takes place. Many agree that the prayers we have now at Mass - are tied too tight to the Latin prayers - and for our English Speaking world, a better translation is necessary. One was made - but pushed aside - for the one we have now - but Pope Francis recently said, “We need to get a better translation into local languages.”

I assume I will be dead - when and if this happens - so in the meanwhile pray as one prays and do it well. Amen.

February 13, 2018

Black History Month Thought for today: 

“Greatness occurs when your children love you, when your critics respect you and when you have peace of mind.”  

Quincy Jones

February 13, 2018


“He’s back!”

I heard someone yell that out.

“Who he?” I thought. “Who’s back?”

Did anyone ever yell that of me
when I came home from a long away?

Was it “Good News” or “Bad” for them?

Did God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
ever yell that to each other about me?

“He’s back.”

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018

Monday, February 12, 2018

February 12, 2018


A stone is deaf.
It has no ears.
It has no mouth.
It has no song.
It doesn’t hear screams.
It doesn’t feel pain.

Lord, looking at my life ….

Please, I never wanted to be a stone.
At the end make me a dead sparrow
in the snow.
At least I sang a song or two.
At least I lived and flew
and gave anyone who spotted
me flying in a flock over a corn field
on an autumn afternoon a brief moment
to think and praise you, O God.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018

February 12, 2018

Black History Month Thought for today: 

"One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter."

James Earl Jones