Answers…. Sorry, I only have a few ….
But I do have questions? Many …
I guess you’d expect by now that
someone would know something.
Okay. I do know some things….
I know there is gravity and dawn
and death and we get hungry
and sometimes we get hurt ….
And we need to listen - yes to
shut up and to really listen to
the other - the one we’re with -
when it’s a one to one situation ….
Not to cut them off now - with
some story they trigger in us.
Okay ask for clarification - but
Okay ask for clarification - but
about something they said….
And okay, if we actually do that
- it’s not easy to put our ego
outside on the windowsill - but if we
do - we’ll get some inside answers.
© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018