Tuesday, December 12, 2017


At Malvern Pennsylvania Retreat House

Juan Diego, Malvern Pennsylvania



The title of my few thoughts is, “Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - The Numbers.”

Today, December 12, about 3 million people will go to Tepeyac, Mexico, for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  It’s a feast day that starts with the first revelations of Mary to Juan Diego, a Christian Native American on December 8th - going further to December 12, 1531

Around 20 million people make a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine per year.

What about other shrines and other numbers.

Lourdes, France  has about 8 million per year.  Apparecida, Brazil gets about 6.6 million people per year. Fatima has about 4.5 million per year - this year obviously more - with its 100th Anniversary.

Guadalupe is the largest and best attended Marian Shrine in the world.

In Hinduism, we have  the largest holy place in the world. It’s dedicated to Ayyappan. It’s in Southern India - in the Kerala region - which is also the most Catholic area  in India.  This shrine gets about 40 to 50 million pilgrims  a year. This happens mostly in late December and early January. The key god is Ayyappan - who is a war god and the god of growth. Women in their child bearing years don’t want to go in pilgrimage to this place - because Ayyappan is celibate.


Start conversations about the holy places you’ve been to.

I haven’t been to Salt Lake City to see the Mormon’s sacred center.

But I’ve been to Israel.  If you get the opportunity, if you haven’t already, to to Israel. I did in 2000. I saw Bethlehem, The Lake of Galilee, the place of the Last Supper, Jerusalem, the Jordan, the Dead Sea, the mount of Transfiguration  and what have you.

I liked being on the Lake of Galilee the most - because I figured that would be closest to the what a place looked like in the time of Jesus.

I’ve been to various other holy places.  I’ve been to Monte Cassino - the key Benedictine place. It’s in Italy, along with Assissi and all the big churches in Rome.

In France, I got to Montmartre and Notre Dame in Paris. But the one shrine I wanted to go to was Chartres Cathedral, 50 miles south and west of Paris. It supposedly has the most beautiful stained glass windows in the world.  It has big time history - being the Marian Shrine to visit way before Lourdes.

But I did get to  Lourdes  which did give me a feel of what it’s like to go on a pilgrimage.


I have the word “numbers” in my title. I’m sure you heard what a Hajj for a Moslem is.  It’s one of the 5 sacred pillars of Islam - to make a sacred pilgrimage in your lifetime to Saudi Arabia and Mecca and to the black stone - that goes way, way back in Moslem History.  They got 2.35  million folks there this year.

Parts of the sacred shrine at Mecca have had people breaking off pieces of the sacred stone. During the French Revolution they broke off parts of Chartres - but  luckily it was not destroyed.


Interestingly Chartres has the supposed garment of Mary.  Studies say it’s a legend - but when we went there the tour guide said, that it didn’t make any difference if it was  real or whether it was not. The key factor is whether people believed it to be Mary’s cloak.  They did.

In Tepyyak, they have the cloak of Juan Diego, which has the image of Mary on it.  Like the tilma or cloak of Mary, this too was  tried to be destroyed, but no luck.


Pilgrimages are good.

Our Mary pilgrimages are very Catholic. Mary is very Catholic and Lourdes and Fatima, Guadalupe and Aparacida connect us deeply with Mary.

If you have a chance, go for it. 
December  12, 2017


There are no specific A, B, C, D’s, or F’s
for imagination skills. Well, take that back.
The student with a creative imagination
can come up with a great short story or
poem or work of art or book report.

But in real life -  the A, B, C, D, or F person -
who has a good imagination - might be the
one who imagines a new solution for cancer
or a way to do things that were never done
this or that way before. Hire her. Hire him.


© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Monday, December 11, 2017



The title of my homily for this Second Monday in Advent  is, “The Paralysis That Comes from Not Forgiving.”


Today’s readings trigger thoughts about what forgiveness and non-forgiveness can do to us.

Today’s gospel from Luke 5:17-26 tells the story of the paralyzed man who was brought to Jesus for healing. The Pharisees and teachers of the law are also there to check out this Jesus. Jesus not only heals this paralyzed man, but he also forgives the man his sins.

The first reading from Isaiah 35:1-10 talks about the earth blooming and blossoming. It also talks about the opposite feeling weak and feeble. God makes the difference.

And that’s the theme of the Gospel as well.

So we have here a clear comparison: being paralyzed or being free to blossom.


Let me begin by talking about being paralyzed by not forgiving.

When we don’t or won’t forgive - we can become stuck.

When we’re angry, it’s often because we won’t forgive.

Keep your eye on your hands when you’re angry.  Often they have become fists. Often they have become hard. And it’s hard to shake hands with fists.

In fact, tightened hands, fist shaped and sculpted in a closed position,  can bring us feelings of physical pain, arthritis like, in our hands.


Every once and a while, we find out, someone is angry with us.

Often we don’t know it, but they know it.

When they see us or spot us, we trigger repeat feelings of anger in others.

As priest I have experienced this.

Sometimes it’s me they are angry with. Sometimes it’s priests in general.

This collar - the priestly collar - a white plastic collar - against the black of a black shirt - has the power to trigger memories and anger in others. A little tiny piece of white plastic can have big time power. [Show white plastic collar.]

Some priest might have yelled at someone. Some priest said, “No” to someone - who wanted a funeral at a certain date - but the priest said he couldn’t do it. Someone wanted to talk to a priest in a one priest parish and the secretary who answered the phone said that it was the priest’s day off - and he would call tomorrow. The caller gets furious and screams, “The hell with the Catholic Church.”

I have two relatives right now who have stopped going to church - one because of a priest who brought up homosexuals and abortion in every sermon - over and over and over again; the other because their bishop got accused of protecting priests who abused children.

A lot of damage and a lot of anger has come from the sexual abuse of people by priests. Check out the numbers of church drop outs from the Church in Ireland.


Forgiveness is the call.

Forgiveness needs a lot more than words.

It starts with communication. It calls for turning the other cheek. It calls for checking things out. It calls for money at times. It calls for counseling. It calls for time. Sometimes timing is everything.  Forgiveness calls for honesty.  It calls for acknowledgement. It calls for grace. It calls for the Holy Spirit.

And it calls for the person who is hurting - to do what it takes - to heal. Otherwise paralysis can continue.


I’ve heard a lot of babbling about God from people.

I’ve heard a lot of babbling about people from other people.

Sometimes I say, “I have to think about what I just heard.”  Sometimes I make a judgment: “Sounds like sloppy thinking to me.”  Sometimes I say, “There’s more to this situation than indicated.”

So I choose the word “babbling” carefully - because I’m implying that a lot of talk calls from clarification and communication and when it’s sloppy talk it’s babbling.

For starters, Christianity has a lot to offer our world about the mystery of forgiveness.

Jesus said to forgive 70 times 7 times.  Jesus said, “Put down the stones. Let him or her without sin cast the first stone.” Jesus said on the cross, “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.”

I’d add, “They don’t know why they are doing what they are doing.”


I could conclude here, but let me mention a book that can trigger stuff about anger and lack of forgiveness. The book gets into the issue of where our personal patterns of how we do life come from.

There’s a book out there by Mark Wolynn that states, “It Didn’t Start With You.”

I haven’t finished the book yet, but statements and anecdotes in the book about forgiveness has got me to bring the themes from that book into the issue of forgiveness.  I believe that it’s worth thinking about.

I’ve also read positive and negative criticism about some of the comments, thoughts, positions in the book. Some say it's too repetitive. Someone said take it off the shelf in Barnes and Noble and just read the first two chapters.  Others say that the theories advance need more history and back-up.

The book can get us thinking about how much we are like our parents and grandparents and great grandparents.

Question: How do we measure how much impact our grandparents have on what we do today.

I heard long before this book the statement, “If you want to change someone, change their grandmother.”

I also heard that a therapist in a big city said: “If you want to do therapy for someone, you have to work with the whole street.”

In the meanwhile each of us needs to take responsibility for our own behaviors and talk to others about our parents and grandparents, etc. etc. etc. and get a handle on why we are the way we are.


Pray to be a forgiver in hopes our spirit infiltrates our family system.

Pray to be a forgiver and see if we become more flexible and less paralyzed in our destructive thinking and behaviors.

In the meanwhile, please learn to laugh. Don’t forget the old Chinese advice: “If you want to get even with someone, buy a drum for each of their kids.”


December 11,  2017


Everyone has covenants with God
under glass in their soul - even atheists,
even agnostics, even religious folks.

They are not written down on parchment
paper or chiseled into stone - but they are
there. The key ingredient is expectations.

Wow do we have expectations of God.
Watch what happens when something
goes wrong. It’s then we scream, “God!”

Then - it’s usually only then - that we finally
ask God, “What are your expectations for me?”
It’s then we can figure out our covenants with God.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Sunday, December 10, 2017

December 10, 2017


As Jesus said,
“Know the truth,
and the truth will set you free.”

As they say
in Alcoholics Anonymous,
“The truth will set you free,
but first it will hurt.”

how far, how deep,
how difficult it is,
to really know the truth,
so we can be set free.

the question is,
“Who knows
why we do what we do?”
Answer: when what we do
sets us free.

will the moment of truth,
be the moment we die?
Is that the moment
when we finally see the truth?
Is that the moment
we will finally be set free?

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017