Sunday, July 23, 2017

July 23, 2017


Fading, fading ….
We avoid it
and we ignore  it.

We only have
so much time
and we know it.

Like the cover
of a paperback book
left on a window sill, we fade.

Life, I better do a lot more
between my covers to be novel
and to enjoy telling my story.

Fading, fading ….
Who me? Yes me.
I know it and I don’t like it .

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Saturday, July 22, 2017


We know how cats claim their spots.
We humans are much more subtle.

We shrug shoulders - raise our nose -
lower our eyes - give a look - tweak
our upper lip - to let another know:
“Move it. Get out of my territory.”

Jesus let others touch his tassels. He
put his finger in their ears - his spit on
their eyes and tongue. His bread and wine,
his body and blood, entered their bodies.

We know how fat cats claim their spots.       
We humans have to be much more humble.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017
Cf. Mark 7:23; Mark 8:23;
Mark 6: 56; Mark 14: 22-25. 

July 22, 2017

Mary Magdalene's sin
cast such a long shadow -
that Jesus could not but
step onto her path.

Happy feast 
of St. Mary Magdalene.

Friday, July 21, 2017

July 21, 2017


She was 55 when she figured out
what she was about in life. It was
to counterbalance conversations
and friendships and classrooms
and family and both her marriages.
The first one didn’t work. Sorry.

"If" was the center of the seesaw.
If you said so and so was a loser,
she would counter with a comment
about her strengths. If you were
needing money, out came her wallet.
If you were lost, she would find you.

If you don’t know what to do with
your life - think about being a
counterbalance - offsetting - what is
wrong with what is right - being
present when love is absent - being
an ear when nobody is listening.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Thursday, July 20, 2017

WAR  OF  1812! 




  A  WAR? 

July 20, 2017


“Thank you”:
two short words
that try to sum up -
but they really can't -
the wide width,
the high height,
the deep depth,
of the feelings of gratitude
and generosity
that grow and groan -
and sometimes emerge up
and out of the human heart,
but like Christ
in the garden,
Christ on the Cross,
Christ in the Bread,
if we’re open today,
he’ll bring us communion,
Holy Communion
with each other -
this day and any day we choose.


© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017