Saturday, June 3, 2017


Come Holy Spirit,
send out from heaven 
the rays of your light.

Come, Father of the poor.
Come, giver of gifts.
Come, light of hearts.

Encourage our best.
Be our spirit’s guest.

When things become heated,
be our sweet coolness.
When we are working,
be our rest.
When we are in sorrow,
be our inner peace.

Light most bright,
enlighten the hearts 
of your faithful.

Without your power,
we can do nothing,
and nothing is right.

Wash what is sordid.
Water what is arid.
Cure what is sick.
Bend what is rigid.
Warm what is chilling.
Correct what is devious.

Give to the faithful,
to those who trust in you,
your seven holy gifts. 
Give them salvation at their end.
Give them never ending joy. Amen.

© Translation of the 
Veni Sanctae Spiritus 
by Andrew Costello, CSSR

June 3, 2017


Night, heading home in the dark ....
Dark, heading home into the night.
Not noticing bats and street lights….
Not noticing the lights of the oncoming
cars…. It was a long, long day.
It was a long, long meeting - dealing 
with Church - budget -  business. 
All I want to do is to get home,
to receive communion, holy communion,
in the hug of my wife - and the joy
of my kids - and a hot cup of tea -
and I hope pecan pie - that is, if….
if that last slice is still there.
It was there before I left, but when
coming home, you never know. It’s
always the surprise and the unexpected.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Friday, June 2, 2017

June 2, 2017


Somewhere along the line I found out 
that some people seem to use an 
electronic fence to shock others from
crossing over into their boundaries. 

This far and no further dare you go. 

They plant red flags as a warning.

You can't bring up certain topics, 
names and who and what have you. 

Well, when my batteries run out -

when you no longer have me by 
the collar - when you can no longer
jolt me with electronic juice - I'm going 
to run for far distant fields of freedom?

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 1, 2917


This ongoing search 
to be able to fly, to rise,
make that me, O Lord.

This ongoing search
for the light, more light,
make that me, O Lord.

This ongoing search,
for the fire, to be on fire, 
make that me, O Lord.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017
May 31, 2017


When  someone claims they have
had a vision of Mary - in some far
off place - people start running for
the airport - to hear her words of
wisdom, “Let it be …. Let it be.”

But as the Beatles sang it, “When
I find myself in times of trouble ….”
“And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom Let it be.”

Mother Mary - we just have to close
our eyes and you visit us - you come
to visit us with words of wisdom - and
those words can become flesh and dwell
within us - pregnancy meeting pregnancy.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Sculptures by 
Kathleen M. Aucoin, SC
Seton Arts Studio
6301 Riverdale Avenue
Bronx, NY 10471

May 30, 2017


Semi-circular scoops of cold dessert: 
sherbet. Colors: soft orange, yellow
lime, pale green pistachio, purple
raspberry, blueberry. Frozen  fruit juices - 
mixed with 1 to 3 % milkfat - more would 
make it ice cream.  Sherbet. Spoon it. Sip it. 
Slide it into one’s mouth and all is made
right. Perfect for a kid who just skinned 
her knee or is missing her dad off on military 
duty. Sherbet: something that soothes the mouth
and the soul when there is a hurt or a missing.

                                                                                                   © Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Friday, May 26, 2017

May 29, 2017

Things have to be quite grim, when
the only sounds coming out of our
mouths are all “GRRRR!” sounds.

Grumble, gripe, grotesque ….
Grudge, grouchy, grumpy ….
Growl, grouse, groan….Uggh!

Things have improved when we
sound and seem serene, more
peaceful, and relaxed …. At ease!

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017