Monday, October 20, 2014


Poem for Today - October 20, 2014


Today I'm thinking of St. Paul—St. Paul
who orders us, Be perfect. He could have said,
Touch your elbow to your ears, except
that if you broke your arm, then snapped your neck,
You might could manage it. The death inside
the flawed hard currency of what we touch
bamboozles us, existing only for that flaw,
that deathward plunge that's locked inside all form,
till what seems solid floats away, dissolves,
and these poor bastard things, no longer things,
drift back to pure idea. And when, at last,
we let them go we start to pity them,
attend their needs: I almost have to think
to keep my own heart beating through the night.

I have a wife and four pink boys. I spin
on all this stupid metaphysic now
because last afternoon we visited
some friends in town. After the pecan pie,
I drank until my forehead smacked the table,
and woke to find my shirt crusted with blood.
When Mary didn't yell at me, I knew
she finally understood that I was gone,
dissolving back. As we rode home, I tried
to say, I'm sorry, Hon. The carriage bucked
 across the mud-dried ruts and I shut up.
And she, in August heat, just sat, head cocked
as if for chills hidden in the hot, damp breeze,
as if they were a sound, time merely distance.
0 Death, I know exactly where it is
your sting. And Grave, I know your victory.

That night, around the tents, the boys caught fireflies,
pinched them in half, and smeared them on their nails,
then ran through pine-dark woods, waving their hands.
All I could hear was laughter, shouts. And all
that I could see for each one of my sons
were ten blurs of faint, artificial light,
never too far apart, and trembling.
Like fairies, magic, sprites, they ran and shouted.
"I'm not real! I'm not real!"  The whole world fell
away from me—perhaps I was still drunk -
as on the night Titania told dazed Bottom,
"Put off your human grossness so, and like
an airy spirit go." But even then
the night could not hold long against the light,
and light destroys roots, fog, lies, orchids, night,
dawn stars, the moon, delusions, and most magic.
And light sends into hiding owls, fireflies,
and bats, whom for their unerring blunder, I
adore the most of all night fliers. But owls,
hid in a hickory, will hoot all day,
and even the moon persists, like my hangover,
some days till almost noon, drifting above
the harsh, bright, murderous morning light—so blue,
so valuable, so much like currency
that if the moon were my blue coin, I'd never spend it.

© Andrew Hudgins
In Upholding Mystery,
An Anthology of
Contermporary Poetry,
Edited by David Impastato,
Oxford University Press,

1997, pages 72-74
photo by William Abranowicz

Sunday, October 19, 2014



The title of my homily for this 29 Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, is, “Is Life a Question and Answer Period?”

That’s a question.

That’s one of my life questions?

I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot of my time figuring – questioning – wondering about a lot of stuff. 

Does everyone do that?

Is that why people check out the news, read the papers, and ask, “What’s new?” “What’s happening?” “What’s up?”

Why do people – who pick up the papers – pick up the papers?

This is a test:  if you pick up the papers in the morning - what is the first section you check out: comic strips, obits, sports section, local news, world news, crossword puzzle, horoscope, stock market? Sales? Employment – Help Wanted?

What does our answer tell us about ourselves?

If people don’t read the papers – are they doing any of that – any other way?

That’s a lot of questions?

What’s normal? What’s healthy? What’s everyone?  Oops, more questions.

“Is Life a Question and Answer Period?”


Today’s gospel - Matthew 22: 15-21 -  triggered this topic for me.

The Pharisees and the Herodians question Jesus about religion and politics – today using the question of taxes.

The Pharisees and the Herodians argued with each other a lot – over lots of issues – but in today’s gospel both joined up with each other to try to trap Jesus into an argument.

The Pharisees were ultra-religious and they didn’t want any images on their coins. The Herodians were in league with Herod and the Romans and the powers that be and they didn’t disagree with Caesar’s image on their coins.

Jesus doesn’t get into their argument. Notice, however, he does in other gospel scenes. At times Jesus starts arguments. He questions the Pharisees as well as the Scribes  - those who could write, those with the education. 

How do you see the gospels? 

How do you see Jesus?

What does what we spot - tell us about ourselves?

Is a relationship with God a question and answer period – or is it a banquet – a meal – good bread – good wine?

Is life an argument with God – or a love affair with God?

Is life an argument with others – you’re wrong – I’m right – or a love affair with each other?

Is life a debate or a discernment?

How do we see life?

In a given day – how many questions do we ask?

Are some people more questions? Are some people all answers? Are some people somewhere else?

What are your thoughts and experiences about questions and answers - arguments and arguing?

How do you see life?


Are there people who ask too many questions?

Is this sermon PITA stuff?

Is there anything wrong with the Rabbi – who when asked, “How come you are always asking questions?” – answered by asking, “Why not?”

Then there are people who seem to be arguing an awful lot – and it’s awful.

Are there two types of people: those who argue a lot and those who avoid arguments?

And do those who avoid arguments avoid those who argue a lot?

Are there two types of people: those who need to be right – and those who see nuances – other points of view – and allow others to see things differently than the way they see?

How well does a marriage between an arguer and a non-arguer work?

How well does a marriage between two arguers work?

How well does a marriage between two people who never argue work?

Why do some people argue more than other people?

Do some people think they won an argument because the other person has become silent?


There has been a lot of press on the Synod in Rome.

There have been points and counterpoints.

I’m reading that the pope and others say the Church needs to take on a listening mode.

Is the church healthier – different – better – worse – if the stress is on love and mercy – more than truth – and being right?

Is the church called to be the teaching Church – more than the serving, loving church - listening?

Is the church’s job to correct nuns and women who are theologians – or men who are theologians – or is the job to say, “Nice going. Thanks for exploring – helping us to get our hearts and minds on what life is all about a little bit more?"

I remember attending a series of theology talks once – in which the speaker – saw everyday life as a battle.  One can find that image, that metaphor, in the scriptures. And those are the texts he chose for his talks.

As I listened to him – I realized this was not me.

As I listened to him – I realized people are different than me. They see differently. They think differently. They do a lot more arguing than me.

There is a difference between sand paper and tissue paper.

What’s your take on the saying: “You catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than with a barrel of vinegar”?

Is the purpose of life to catch others and move them over to our side of the board?

Is the purpose of Church truth or love? Do differences happen if one stresses one over the other?

Is God more ear and eye than mouth?

Is the pope, church, parents called to be teachers or to be shepherds?

Is the present pope more into listening than giving answers? Is that what he said when he called this latest synod – this big meeting in Rome? Did he see this meeting as a family gathering around a table. Do others see it as a boxing ring or courtroom or legislation session?

If one answers these questions – does one fall into the argument trap?

Is this whole sermon an argument against arguing?

Do you agree with Gracie Allen’s message: “Never put a period where God has put a comma?”


Several times in the gospel – like today’s gospel – Jesus avoids the trap question.

Is that a good idea for all of us -  sometimes to just listen.

In the late 1960’s I was at a power breakfast in a big New York Hotel. The topic was the question of youth drug problems in New York State.  Nelson Rockefeller gave a big speech. I don’t remember a word he said. What I remembered the most was the question and answer period. Someone stood up and asked him a question. And he said, “Are you crazy? I’m not going to answer that.” Then he said, “Next question?”

All laughed.

From that I learned to do just that in lots and lots of question and answer periods that I was in with groups and one to one’s in my life?

How about you?

Are you all questions? Are questions enough for you? Do you want answers? Are you mainly a listener? 

Or are you somewhere else – because you don’t see life as a Question and Answer period.


Poem for Today - Sunday - October 19, 2014


I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day.
What hours, O what black hours we have spent
This night! what sights you, heart, saw; ways you went!
And more must, in yet longer light's delay.

With witness I speak this. But where I say
Hours I mean years, mean life. And my lament
Is cries countless, cries like dead letters sent
To dearest him that lives alas! away.

I am gall, I am heartburn. God's most deep decree
Bitter would have me taste: my taste was me;
Bones built in me, flesh filled, blood brimmed the curse.

Selfyeast of spirit a dull dough sours. I see
The lost are like this, and their scourge to be
As I am mine, their sweating selves; but worse.

© Gerard Manley Hopkins,
In Hopkins, The Mystic Poets,
Preface by Rev. Thomas Ryan,

Page 58

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Poem for Today - October 18, 2014


Sing God a simple song, Lauda laude
Make it up as you go along, Lauda laude
Sing like you like to sing, God loves all simple things
For God is the simplest of all,
For God is the simplest of all.

I will sing the Lord a new song
To praise Him, to bless Him, to bless the Lord,
I will sing His praises while I live, all of my days.

Blessed is the man who loves the Lord,
Blessed is the man who praises Him,
Lauda, lauda, laude
And walks in His ways.

I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help
I will lift up my voice to the Lord
Singing Lauda, Laude

For the Lord is my shade
Is the shade upon my right hand
And the sun shall not smite me by day,
Nor the moon by night

Blessed is the man who loves the Lord
Lauda, lauda, laude
And walks in His ways.

Lauda, lauda, laude, 
Lauda Lauda di da di day… 
All of my days.

Music by Leonard Bernstein, Text from the Liturgy of the Roman Mass

Additional Texts by Stephen Schwartz and Leonard Bernstein

Poem for Today - Saturday October 18, 2014


When the thunder rumbles
Now the Age of God is dead
And the dreams we’ve clung to dying to stay young
Have left us parched and old instead….
When my spirit falters on decaying altars
And my illusions fail,

I go on right then.
I go on again.
I go on to say
I will celebrate another day ….
I go on ….

If tomorrow tumbles
And everything I love is gone
I will face regret
All my days, and yet
I will still go on … on …
Lauda, Lauda, Laude,
Lauda, Lauda di da di day …

© Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Schwarz

Friday, October 17, 2014


Poem for Today - Friday October 17, 2014


Having shared our bread,
we know that we are
no longer hungry. It is enough

that you see me for myself.
That I see you for yourself.
That we bless what we see

And do not borrow, do not use
One another. This is how we know
We are no longer hungry … that

the world is full of terror, full of beauty
and we we are not afraid to find solace here.
To be bread for each other. To love.

© Gunila Norris

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Poem for Today - October 16, 2014 - Thursday


I was passionate.
filled with longing,
I searched
far and wide.
But the day
that the Truthful One
found me,
I was at home.

©  Lal Ded, 14th Century, Kashmir