"Oh, a troubles's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce, Or a trouble is what you make it, And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts, But only how did you take it." Edmund Vance Cooke [1866-1932], How Did You Die? Stanza 1
Thursday, September 6, 2012
If Jesus lived to 90, what would he have been like? If Jesus
lived to 90, how would the story unfold?
If Jesus lived to 90 what would have been his observations? How
different would his comments, his teachings be from what he told us at 33?
We don’t know the answers to these questions, but we can
know what he knew at 33 by reading the gospels.
One thing I think Jesus would say would be, “The World Was
My Classroom,” so that’s the reason - for this theme for this homily.
I love to read the gospels and then ask what happened, what
did Jesus see, to trigger what he just said.
I think he walked his world, worked in the family carpenter
shop, did village and home repairs, went to the synagogue, stepped back in the
market place and observed what he observed, learned what he learned.
He must have seen a pearl merchant searching for fine pearls
- found one - sold all he had and bought that pearl at any price.
So too the man he saw who found a treasure in a field -
pooled all his money - and bought that field.
He must have studied grapes and saw that one farmer pruned
his vines - and had greater grapes and greater wine - and another vine grower
didn’t prune and his yield was nothing like the first vineyard owner.
He must have heard about a vineyard owner who hired workers
all day long and paid each one the same amount - because everyone needed a
days’ wage like every worker does.
He must have had a sense of humor when he called Matthew a
tax collector to give up everything to follow him - and Matthew did. In fact,
he threw a party for Jesus to meet his friends - and this really taxed people
and their take on Jesus.
He must have sat down near the sea shore and watched how
hard working fishermen were - and said, “These are the types I’m going to need.
These are the types I’m going to call. They know where the fish are and they
are the ones who try, try and try again - even when their nets come up empty.
He must have heard about a woman who lost a coin - searched
everywhere for the lost coin, finally found it and threw a party in celebration
- without worry about the cost in coins.
He seems to have liked parties and celebrations, bread and
wine - lots of bread - lots of wine.
He must have seen some people praying to be seen and heard -
and some people who loved hiding in the back or behind pillars - so as to be
near Our Father.
He must have heard about lost sheep and lost children and
lost lives.
He must have walked by a cemetery and then walked by the Pharisees and said to
himself, There is no difference. Both are dead, It’s just that these ones - who look like white washed tombstones - haven’t
been buried yet.
He must have seen mothers and fathers giving their
lives - giving their body and blood in
sacrifice - for their children.
He must have seen a rich man dressed up big, big time - a
man who didn’t see the poor man at his gate - and then Jesus laughed when he saw the birds
of the air or the flowers of the field - and laughed - because birds of the air
and the flowers of the field as far more beautiful - than all those best
dressed folks strutting down Fashion Street.
He must have realized when he watched folks in the market
place, “I’m sure there are people who are like merchants. One is stingy, exact,
a penny pincher, and the other is totally generous - and there’s a message in
here somewhere. Amen. He must have said
many, “Amens” as he realized, "The World is My Classroom. Amen! Amen! Amen!"
Quote for Today - September 6, 2012 "As Gregory of Nyssa pictures it, He entered paradise bringing with Him His bride, Humanity, whom He had just wedded on the Cross." Jean Danielou
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Quote for Today - September 5, 2012 "That is not the question." A line in Shakespeare's play, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act. 1, Scene 1, line 227 Question: Could you say to someone when they ask you a question, "That is not the question"? What would happen next? How many times have you been asked a question and you know or you sense or you guess the other is really is trying to get at something else?
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
The title of my homily for this 22 Tuesday in Ordinary Time is, “Demons.
Yesterday we began the Gospel of Luke as our weekday gospel
reading. Here we are at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry in Luke. Yesterday
we had the coming out of Jesus in the synagogue in Nazareth Today’s scene has
Jesus going into the synagogue of Capernaum.
This time the crowd doesn’t get angry at him. The unclean demon in this man in
this synagogue acts up. He yells out that he knows who Jesus is: the Holy One
of God. [Cf. Luke 4:31-37]
To understand the Gospels more, to understand the scriptures
more, to understand life more, we better have an understanding of demons.
Making a very broad generalization, all cultures up to the
Age of Reason - accept demons - evil spirits - the evil eye - unknown forces -
that force or seem to push people to do dumb things - as well as hurt
themselves and others.
In today’s society, we don’t talk about demons like we hear
about them in the gospels. Yet if we read the papers, watch the news, we hear
story after story of hurtful things people do to other people.
And if we know ourselves, we know we sometimes do something
we regret . We resent doing something, but we did it. And we say things like,
“I don’t know what got into me.” “I was acting kind of crazy last night.”
People can become crazed, dazed, dumb. Sometimes they can do
something in a split second that ruins their life. They say, “Something
possessed me.”
I always thought that the movie The Exorcist [1971] did our faith a
lot of good.
Of course the firm story was a bit much too much with the head twisting and the
throwing up pea soup scenes - but if you watched the movie as a parable - it
had some scary and powerful messages.
The one that grabbed me was when the mother of Regan, Chris
MacNeil, comes to the priest and asks, “How do you go about getting an
exorcism?” I thought it was interesting that the mother is called “Chris” - a
name very close to the name “Christ” and the priest name is “Damien” very close
to the name “demon”.
Father Damien Karras who is also a psychiatrist - when asked
to do an exorcism says: “I beg your pardon? Well, the first thing I'd have to
get into a time machine and get back to the 16th century. Well, it just doesn't
happen anymore, Mrs. MacNeil since we learned about mental illness, paranoia,
schizophrenia. Since the day I joined the Jesuits, I've never met one priest
who has performed an exorcism. Not one.”
Even though exorcisms are rare, even though we have a better
grasp on mental sicknesses, chemical unbalance, a host of other understandings
of the human personality, there is still a need to articulate what the wisdom
in the scriptures have come up with.
In today’s first reading from First Corinthians 2: 10b-16, Paul says we can life a natural life
or a spiritual life. We could add that a
person can lead a demon filled life as well.
Faith and prayer can help. Counseling can help. Psychiatrists
can be very helpful - and often necessary.
And this man in today’s gospel reveals what the other
characters in the crowd don’t know or get. He says, “I know who you are - the
Holy One of God.”
So the Christian message is that Jesus is central. We know who he is and he can
help us every day. That’s our faith. Christianity is more the following -
connecting - with Christ - in a relationship - more that thinking our religion
is just us with a list of truths we follow.
Next, we are not a
Christian who refuses medical treatments - saying we’re relying totally on God
- so we will not use modern medicines.
If our children or our people are having mental problems -
we need all the help we can give them - and there is help at times.
And finally there are observations in the scriptures to this
day that can really help us. In a homily for today’s readings, entitled, “Evil
Spirits”, by Father Joseph Donders, gives a good example about what it means to
be possessed by an evil spirit - what it might mean.
He was working in Africa and he tells
about a 14 year old boy in Kenya
who got a bike. He was a poor street kid. He fixed it up a bit - but he needed
gears. He brought it to a bike repair shop. When he went to get his bike, he
didn’t have any where near the money to pay for it. The shop said if he didn’t
find the money in about 2 weeks, they would confiscate it.
To get money, he stole a radio from the school. He got
caught - couldn’t sell it - and when he handed the radio back to Father Donders
he says, “Father, don’t think I stole the radio!” The priest asked him, “If you
didn’t, who did,” He answered, “The bike.”
Then Father Donders said, “He was right. The bike became an
obsession, like an evil spirit mastering him.”
Grasp that, you’ll get a better grasp on
understanding the scriptures whenever Jesus and demons are mentioned.
PICTURE ON TOP: Jesus healing the man in the temple at Capernaum.
Quote for Today - September 4, 2012
"Wisdom travels by oxcart."
Yiddish Proverb
List three key wisdom learnings you have picked up so far. If possible spell out what triggered the learning, the experience, the hurt, the disappointment or what have you.
List three proverbs that you use often - that you utter or mutter them - in a déjà vu situation.
Do this homework with another. Listen. Dig deeper. Listen to each other.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Quote for Today - Labor Day - September 3, 2012 "Avoid working with a worker who quarrels with his tools." Anonymous