Friday, August 24, 2012


Quote for Today - August 24,  2012

"That shabby corner of God's allotment where He lets the nettles grow, and where all unbaptized infants, notorious drunkards, suicides, and others of the conjecturally damned are laid."

Thomas Hardy [1840-1928] Tess of the D'Urbervilles [1891] Chapter 14


What's your take on the above quote from Thomas Hardy - who can be dark?

I'm 72 and way back I heard folks with this kind of thinking. I had doubts about Limbo - when we studied its history when studying theology - then there was a document from Rome - finally - moving all those babies who had died without baptism into God's hands.  Then there were attitudinal changes when it comes to the death of people who committed suicide or had serious drinking problems. People heard more and more about the copious redemption of God. People re-read Luke 15 and ba-boom - Thomas Hardy's quote above is challenged. Have you seen these attitudinal changes?

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Lord, embrace her. Embrace him.
Lord embrace us as we try to figure
out just what happened here.
Suicide is often filled with silence
and questions - words and feelings -
sometimes made of razor blades,
sometimes made of rope, bullet or pill.
Sometimes we just don’t know what
happened here. What to do?
Take time, spend more time
with others, step back, embrace each other,
take long walks, step back, help each other
get through this dark night. Go to the waters.
Take long showers. Pray. Write. Talk.
Suicide can be filled with anger, guilt, shame,
the dark unknown- the fish hook of questions.
Bring some good out of his - please.
Lord, in the meanwhile look
from your cross - your tree on Calvary -
see Judas hanging on his tree in the distance
and let him hear before he dies your words,
“Father forgive them because they don’t know
what they are doing.” Amen.  

©  Andy Costello, Prayers 2012

Painting on top Mindy Newman - the Judas Tree


Suicide kills not just the person who kills him or herself.

The person is found. Sometimes there is a note;
sometimes there isn’t. Ugh. Ugly. Horror. Mess.
Help! Scream! Now what? What now?

The blood flows onto the floor: the tile, the wood,
or the rug - then down through the floorboards -
down into the basement where the next generation
lives. Suicide seeps down deep, so down, down, deep.

Blood - dark red blood is its color. After that
suicide is very difficult to explain.  Words are tried.
Words are blurted out with tears - with closed fists -
along with guilt and, “Why didn’t I talk to him - to her?”
“Why didn’t - she - he -  know I would try to understand
or be a shelter - a hiding place - a chair of comfort?

With suicide along come words and feelings: anger,
depression, wanting to disappear - failure, mistakes -
guilt, shame, hurt, hatred. With suicide sometimes
there is just silence. Sometimes we have no words.
We have no idea what happened. It’s hard to form
and sculpt questions made of barbed wire or venom
or what have you. There is so much of the unknown.

Or maybe their mind was mixed up because of drugs
or medicine. Sometimes that warning is on the side
of the bottle. Suicide can be  a side effect - that
nobody picked up on - and the person killed themselves -
with a brain gone confused. Too bad the label wasn’t
on a face - but it’s always too, too late - after the jump
or the rope or the gun or the pills or the poison.

It’s not a relief, but we certainly are more understanding
or sympathetic about suicide than 100 years ago.
Yes, people kill themselves. Yes, people don’t want
to face the future with a sickness or a guilt or an
anger or a hatred stabbing their heart or wrists.

I once saw a man shoot himself in the mouth -
in a cemetery near Covington, Louisiana. This
happened in the same burial place as Walker Percy -
who wrote and thought deeply about suicide -
having had several people in his family kill themselves.
It was just the two of us - in the early morning quiet.
I didn’t know the man. I thought it was good
that he was standing under a stone statue
of the Blessed Mother. As I walked towards him -
now just 30 yards away from me - he put the gun
in his mouth. I was shocked as I heard the shot
and watched him fall to the ground.
I have always wished he saw me instead of
the stone statue above him. I wish he would
have hesitated. I don’t know what his wife
and kids went through before and after
the horror. I don’t know. I still don’t know.

I always hoped the Gospels would have a story
that Judas dropped the rope below the tree
he hung himself on and he came running to Jesus'
tree and fell on the ground before Jesus and
Judas would have heard an eight word from the cross
that would have helped him and people ever since
who have wanted to kill themselves. Amen.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2012


Painting on top: Suicide by Eduard Manet


Quote for Today - August 23,  2012

"Ever since I could remember I'd wished I'd been lucky enough to be alive at that great time - when something big was going on, like the Crucifixion.  And suddenly I realized I was. Here I was living through another crucifixion. Here was something to paint."

Ben Shahn [1898-1969] on painting, Bartolomeo Vanzetti and Nicola Sacco [1932]. They were electrocuted this day, August 23, 1927 - accused of murdering 2 men in an armed robbery in South Braintree, Massachusetts, back in 1920. The trial, the conviction, the appeals, were controversial. They were anarchists - part of the roaring twenties - with its social upheaval. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Quote for Today  - August 22,  2012

"Authority without wisdom is like a heavy axe without an edge, fitter to bruise than polish."

Anne Bradstreet [c. 1612-1672] in Meditations Divine and Moral [1664], 12


Have you ever been in a position of authority? What was your take on how you did or how you are doing?

Do or did you have a feedback process in place?

Have you ever heard someone say to a person who challenges an authority, "You have an authority problem?"

What's your take on St. Thomas Aquinas' words, "In the field of human science, the argument from authority is weakest"?

Do you agree with the saying: "It's not what you are saying, it's how you say it"?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012



The title of my homily for this 20th Tuesday in Ordinary Time is, “He Thinks He’s God Almighty! Three Wonderings.”


Today’s first reading from the prophet Ezekiel triggers one of those life questions I think about from time to time. Ezekiel blasts the prince or king of Tyre for saying that he is a god. In today’s first reading we hear that over and over again. Ezekiel keeps saying, “You are not a god!” [Cf. Ezekiel 28:1-10]

My life question has always been: “Did this king or any king or emperor really think they were a god - even if others said they were or even if they said they were?” Really think. Actually. They might have acted as if they were a god - but did they down deep in their heart think they were God almighty?

If they were ever tempted to go that way, then did a cold or a fever or a slip on a banana peel get them to hesitate? When things didn’t go their way, did that give them deep pause? What about diarrhea or a rejection by one of their wives - if she was the one he wanted? We know when things don’t go our way, how frustrating that can be. We know we can be boring. What did the prince or king of Tyre do - when he was telling a story - perhaps for the 17th time, and he sees several people yawn or look elsewhere or give a signal across a room to someone else saying with body language, “Oh no not again. It’s the story about how he killed a fox - on a hunting trip 17 years ago.”

So I’ve often wondered if the human mind could ever get itself into a mind set to actually think, "I am a god"?  Could someone really fool themselves that much? So keep yawning and looking at your watches when you see us too "ego-ie" or mighty "mouthy" in the pulpit.

Seriously, the "Who does he think he is, almighty God?" question is something I wonder about when I read about a  king being called a god in the scriptures. I also wonder about this when I see  those movies about ancient Rome - when the Christians are asked to make sacrifices to the emperor as a god - and if they don’t, it’s torture time or time to be thrown to the lions or put in ovens.


I wonder if the real issue that needs to be addressed is power.

I was saying a few Masses at Millersville this Sunday and before Mass a lady was mentioning how wonderful Bishop Newman - a now retired auxiliary bishop of Baltimore - was. She said, “He once told me that once you’re made bishop you never have a bad meal and you never hear the truth again.”

I think of the movie, “History of the World, Part I,” during which the king - played by Mel Brooks -  looks into the camera from time to time and says, “It’s good to be the king.” He says that while wenching and while playing chess - taking more moves than allowed. “It’s good to be the king.”

I think of Lord Acton’s famous comment in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton - April 5, 1881, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

That quote shows up over and over again in articles about bishops and popes and public figures.

It’s not good to be the pope or president - because it can go to one’s head - especially with the power a pope or president can have - and I assume it can lead to laziness in thinking and listening and getting one’s hands on the truth - and losing touch with reality.


So that leads me to a third wondering: what about me myself and I?

It’s easy to say this stuff about others, but what about myself? Do I think or do I act as if I'm god almighty at times or has anyone said that of me?  

Response: "Oh my God! Hope not!"

Yet we do have powers.  Yes at times we can also feel powerless.

We have power to listen - to ask questions - to step back and remind ourselves - we are not God. 

We judge others as if we know their motives. We don’t. We don't know what this other person is thinking or who this other person is and why they do what they are doing.

It’s so easy to forget to say that we don’t know how another person got to where they have gotten. There was an article a few years back that my sister Mary saved for me to read - about a fellow who said he had criticized and made fun of the poor and the homeless - that is, till he lost his job and fell through the cracks.

At the bottom of the pits, we can realize we don’t know what’s going on inside the skull of another person. We are not God. We don’t know what’s it like to be in another’s shoe or skin.

It’s good to be the person we are - and it’s good to be the person the other is. In reality, how can we be but that? So if we treat ourselves and others with deep respect and love - then we might discover what Jesus taught us - our poverty as well as our richness. 

We might discover the power of humility - that we are of the earth and God formed us from the earth - breathing life into us in our mother's womb. [Cf. Genesis 2:7; Psalm 139:13; Job 10:11-12.]

So we begin small. We begin on the bottom. We begin within - like every baby ever born.  Then we begin helpless, a wiggler, a leaker, a crier, a crawler, a learner.

It's everyone's journey.... We're all equal.

I always loved the saying, “Each person is in the best seat.”

With true humility, we’ll be able to  fit thorough the eye of the needle - as Jesus talks about in today's gospel - Matthew 19:23-30.


When we think wonder about all this, we can learn that the call is to reach towards God Almighty - and eventually enter into God - into the Kingdom of God - and eventually become God in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Now that’s power. [1]


[1] Confer Colossians 3: 1-4; Philippians 1: 23-26


Quote for Today   August 21,  2012

"Hate is a prolonged form of suicide."

Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller [1759-1805]