Friday, April 6, 2012


At some point -  pain - too much
pain - can be anesthetic - can be
numbing. Then - surprise - as a
result,  one starts to spot others
and stops thinking of oneself.
While lying in a nursing home bed,
one begins to notice the person
in the corridor making the stations
of the cross while walking
with their walker. One sees
the agony in the garden in
the face of the lady who comes in
to pick up the tray with the
uneaten meat loaf and the nibbled
on apple pie. One knows -
just knows, “Something’s wrong!”
Maybe it’s money. Maybe
it’s her teenager. Christ! 
With eyes closed - resting on
one’s wooden cross in room 219 -
one hears at times shriek cries from
some Judas in the distance
who can’t let go of a betrayal
from a long time ago. They cheated
on someone they loved because
they were doing or not doing
something they didn’t like
and couldn’t forgive them.
Now we know they didn’t know
what they were doing. Sometimes
we only know some things when
we’re old. Sometimes self destruction
can take longer than 3 hours on a cross.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2012

Painting: Vincent Van Gogh, Old Man in Sorrow (On the Threshold of Eternity) Saint-Rem, April May 1890. Kroller-Muller Museum, Oterio, Netherlands.


April  6,  2012

Quote for Today - Good Friday

"Give me a lever long enough,
and a fulcrum strong enough,
and single-handed
I can move the world."

Quote from Archimedes [c. 287-212 B.C.]

Picture: Segment of the Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Gruenwald [1506-1515]

Have you ever stood below a cross and Christ moved you?  Be specific. When, where, how?

Thursday, April 5, 2012


April  5,  2012

Quote for Today

"A nice person lives here
with a mean old buzzard."

Sign on a door in Defiance, Ohio.

Question:  If this sign was on my door, who's who?

The title of my homily is, “Taste!”

It’s just one of the words in today’s reading from Hebrews 2: 9b-10.

It’s just one of the words we taste on Holy Thursday.


The author of Hebrews is telling us that Jesus has saved us by tasting death. Just as all of us will taste death - and have tasted it with the death of loved ones - neighbors and associates and parishioners - Jesus is one of us by tasting death - dying for all of us.

On Holy Thursday the Jewish people celebrate the Passover - with a meal.

The Passover meal connected - grounded - placed - put - the people of Israel back in Egypt - on a night different from all over nights - the night when they escaped, exited, Exodused, ran from slavery towards freedom - baptized in the waters - moving into the desert - heading from the Land of Suffering towards the Land of Milk and Honey.

If you ever have a chance to go to a Seder Meal, go to it.

If you ever have a chance to go to the Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday services, go to them. They are moments different from all other moments.

At the Passover Meal, the unblemished sheep or goat from their flock is slaughtered. The blood is put on the two doorposts. The Lamb is roasted and served. The unleavened bread is eaten. The bitter herbs are tasted. The different cups of wine are tasted. The people around the supper table are tasting history - doing this in memory of Moses and those who were in on that Passover. The people at the Passover Supper were tasting not only history - but also the mystery of how they were saved by the Lord.

It is the Passover of the Lord.

The title of my homily is, “Taste!”

Jesus tasted that Passover Meal every year till that night - especially that Holy Thursday night - his Last Supper - till he passed through the waters and blood of death - and entered the Promised Land of Eternal Life.

At that Last Passover, at that Last Supper, Jesus did a few things differently. He washed his disciples feet and told us to do likewise. He said he did it as an example of how to treat each other starting from one’s feet. At that Last Passover, at that Last Supper, he took bread and he took wine and offering them up to God he said, “This is my body, I’m giving it to you. This is my blood, I’m pouring it out for you.”

Taste and see how good the Lord is.

That’s what we celebrate this day.

Taste Holy Thursday this Thursday.

Pass over your life and your love and your service to the Lord and to each other - and experience the love that Jesus talks about at that Last Supper - that Meal which we celebrate over and over again till the Lord comes in Glory. Amen.


Painting on top: Kimberly Burgess

Wednesday, April 4, 2012



Today is the so called, “Spy Wednesday”. It’s the most  "backgroundish day" — the most “didn’t-make-it” day — the least featured of the name days in Holy Week. We know all about Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and then Easter. They made it. “Spy Wednesday” didn’t.

Why not? It's the day  Judas is featured. However, when it comes down to it,  Judas is someone we know very little about. Yet he's also someone about whom a lot has been written. I found that out when I went looking for quotes and comments about him. I came up with some  interesting ones and I’ll put a few of them in this homily.

Judas, we hardly know you. Who are you? Why did you do what you did?


The gospels get into his motivation and his story. Yet, do they really know the man and what made him tick?

In the Acts of the Apostles there is the detail about Judas’ death that is very messy - and rarely mentioned. It says, "As you know, he bought a field with the money he was paid for his crime." That seems like a very quick transaction. Then the Acts of the Apostles adds,   “He fell headlong and burst open, and all his entrails poured out” [Acts 1: 18] Is that TMI - too much information - and in a homily? I wonder if that story  about the field is a mix up or misunderstanding coming out the story bouncing off his being buried in a potter’s field [Cf. Matthew 27: 7]. Did someone using poetic license make up the bursting apart story as well as him wanting to buy a field with the money he got for betraying Jesus?

It seems that money was his big motivation.


Down through the years Judas is listed with the great spies and betrayers. Spies and traitors down through history have always been disliked people. There’s Brutus who betrayed Caesar. There’s Quisling, the Norwegian politician who was a traitor and collaborated with the Nazi invaders. There’s Benedict Arnold who betrayed his side to the British in the Revolutionary War. In our times in our country there have been traitors like Robert Hanssen, Aldrich Ames, John Walker Jr., Jonathan Pollard and others. What were their motives - other than money?

Judas received 30 pieces of silver for betraying Jesus.


“Dante sets him [Judas] in the lowest of all hells, a hell of cold and ice, a hell designed to show who were not hot sinners swept away by angry passions, but cold, calculating, deliberate offenders against the love of God.” (Cf. Barclay, Mark, p. 328)


Shakespeare has Richard the Third saying, “So Judas did to Christ: but he, in twelve, / Found truth in all but one; I, in twelve thousand, none. / God save the king! Will no man say, amen?” (Cf. Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, p. 195: 10)


Yet if there is any character whom we don’t know, it’s Judas. Everyone thinks they know him, but do they?

Graham Green writes in The End of the Affair [1925] , “If we had not been taught how to interpret the story of the Passion, would we have been able to say from their actions alone whether it was the jealous Judas or the cowardly Peter who loved Christ?”


We don’t know Judas, yet we continue to stereotype him.

John Le Carre 1963 novel had the title, The Spy Who Came In from the Cold. Why not dub Judas with that title and ask him in prayer, “What happened Judas? What happened? Why did you do it?” Then listen. Answers might give us some deep insights into yourself and others .

Or maybe forget about Judas and only go into ourselves.

Today’s gospel has what I think is the worst line in scripture, -- the horrible words, “Better for him if he had never been born.” Meaning: “woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed.” Judas!

Instead of looking at Judas, let’s look at ourselves. Have we ever had that feeling, “I wish I was never born”? We might have that feeling when we have betrayed another or have been betrayed. Or we made a horrible mistake - that broke trust. We want to sink into the ground from which we came.

Betrayal is that kind of a sin: betraying or being betrayed.


In a poem, Emily Dickinson said that the soul can be a friend or a spy. Listen to her adjectives. It can be an imperial friend or the most agonizing Spy.

                “The Soul unto itself
                  Is an imperial friend—
                  Or the most agonizing Spy—
                  An Enemy—could send.”

Francis Thompson in The Hound of Heaven wrote,

              “But with unhurrying chase,
               And unperturbed pace,
               Deliberate speed, majestic instancy,
               They beat—and a Voice beat
               More instant than the Feet—
`             All things betray thee—who betrayest Me.’”

Isaac Bashevis Singer “When you betray somebody else, you also betray yourself.”


Well, when we feel that, it’s not time for the Judas Tree, it’s time for the Jesus Tree—the Cross.

Judas killed the one person he needed—the one person who could forgive him—the one person who called him and gave him a calling. Jesus is the one who said to him,  “You have a reason for being born.”

So if you feel crummy, betrayed, or having betrayed another, start again. Don’t kill yourself. Turn to Jesus.

Let me end there. Let’s begin there. Go to Jesus with a kiss.


Drawing on top by Brendan Monroe - from The New York Times


April  4,  2012

Quote for the Day

"God enters by a private door into every individual."

Ralph Waldo Emerson [1803-1882]

Photo: a side street in Mykonos, Greece

Tuesday, April 3, 2012



The title of my homily for today is “Betrayal and Denial”. I’d like to reflect a little bit on those two issues: Betrayal and Denial. They are two issues that we sometimes feed on.

They are sitting there, or better, they are dwelling there in our heart - perhaps in the bottom back of our deep freeze. And when we are down or when someone “does it again” - past betrayals and past denials pop up. We take them out of the deep freeze. We thaw them. We let them simmer and then we begin to nibble on them in our hurt.

Some people overeat to compensate for their anger. Some people try to stuff themselves, to plug the hole that leads to their heart, where past betrayals and denials linger and want to come to the surface.

So this morning a brief reflection on “Betrayal and Denial”.


They are two major issues that we have all heard lots about in our time. We have seen and heard so much about individuals and communities denying, denying, denying. We have all seen so many betrayals in government, marriages, and in the priesthood and in religious life. So betrayal and denial are two realities we are quite familiar with.


Today’s gospel is Holy Week material. It’s contains heavy duty heart stuff.

Besides Jesus, today’s gospel has three main characters: Judas, Peter and the Beloved Disciple (not absolutely sure who he is). Now we would all love to be the Beloved Disciple, reclining right there next to Jesus bosom (as in Abraham’s bosom), but the reality is: we are more likely to be Judas as well as Peter. The reality is: where charity and love should reign, often we find experience betrayal and denial.

Today’s gospel begins with Jesus sitting there with his disciples and he is growing deeply troubled. His heart is a washing machine stirring around big issues, especially, these issues of betrayal and denial - two of the major issues of our time and all time.


The human heart contains both and a lot more. Isn’t that the message of Jesus? The human heart contains love and it contains sin. And let him or her who doesn’t have sin in their heart start throwing stones and then they will discover they have sin in their heart.

Jesus said go down deep into the garden of the human heart and you’ll find rotten apples and they can ruin the whole barrel - especially if we deny they are there.

So today’s gospel contains warning signals to us. I could be Judas. I could be Peter. Neither role is outside my acting ability.

As we grow from childhood to adolescence to adulthood, somewhere along the line we discover evil. It’s out there. Someone betrays us. Someone hurts us. Some abuses us. Someone hurts another. We are shocked. There is evil in the garden.

And as we grow we soon discover that we too can be evil. We too can be cruel. We can be Peter. We can be Judas.

Problems arise when we deny that inner reality and start to make others - the different or the foreigners or people of some other nationality or color to be the problem - or women as the one who cause rapes or what have you.

In today’s gospel Judas makes the move and we read, Satan moved into his heart. And then the dark innuendo, “It was night.”

Satan is not too far from the tree called me. And he slithers around the tree or hangs in its branches. And that tree is not out there. It’s planted in here, in my heart. And the tree is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And we have eaten from both - and we have been graced by good fruit and poisoned by bad fruit.

And the question is: do we accept or deny that reality?

We’ve all had this experience of someone grinding us down. Have we ever admitted doing the same to others?


In their book, The Choicemaker, Sheila Moon and Elizabeth Howe  have great stuff on this issue. Let me cite two examples:

The first example that Moon and Howe  mention is that of a birthright Quaker who was an upholder of pacifism and the doing of good works. In his rigidity, he forced two of his children into revolt and anti-social violence, because he, the father, had never faced his own inner darkness. (p. 84)

The second example is that of a character they call Mr. J. “Let us take a look at Mr. J. On Tuesday he awakens tired, irritable, closed off from his family, and spends the day trying to escape himself by being egocentric, unaware, and inadequate. He doesn’t see what the situation requires from him. He makes erroneous evaluations of himself and of others. He does things that are consciously or unconsciously hurtful, even cruel, both to himself and others. Failures multiply until at last, exhausted, he falls into bed only to lie awake for the endless hours it takes for him to see what he has done. On Wednesday Mr. J. tries to approach everything with more openness and flexibility. His evaluations are more genuine and sensitive, and he manages to engage in many more dialogues than monologues. In short, by trying to avoid his evil he comes to grief, and by recognizing it and assimilating it he acts more creatively and also is more richly fulfilled. As Jesus said, “Whosoever shall see to wall himself in shall be destroyed, and whosoever shall let the walls fall shall find life.” (pp. 89 - 90)


So today I’m suggesting that we zero in on our own heart. We need to sit in our own garden. We need to sit under our own tree. We need to inspect and look at your own fruit. And like Newton maybe an apple will fall on your head and we’ll wake up to look at it. Maybe it will be a good apple - maybe it will be a bad apple. We have both in our tree. Next, look around in the grass below the tree called “ME” or stand up and look at the apples on our tree. We’ll find two apples that are two of the biggest issues in our times: betrayal and denial.

When we look at our denials and especially our betrayals, we might want a rope to hang ourselves on that tree. Relax. We don’t have to be Judas. Be Peter. He learned all about forgiveness - three times - probably 70 times 7 times after that. My message would be that there is sin inside our heart, but if we have a choice between Peter or Judas, betrayal or denial, choose denial and not betrayal. Be Peter and not Judas.


Painting on top: The Taking of  Christ by Michelangelo Caravaggio [1602]