"I am writing to you from Foggia, and I write in haste. My God, I would really like to know what is going on there. I don't know anything, because I have gotten no answer to any of my letters. It seems to me that you must not have paper to write to me. For mercy's sake, if that is true, send me word of it, so I can send you a notebook and you can reply rapidly. Enough for now."
From a letter of St. Gerard to Sister Michela of Saint Francis Xavier. The letter is dated, Foggia, Italy, July 10, 1753. I found it on page 123 of the book, Saint Gerard Majella, His Writings and Spirituality, Coordinating Editor, Noel Londono, C.Ss.R., translated by Peter Henegg, Liguori Publications, 2002. St. Gerard is often referred to as the Patron Saint of Expectant Mothers. A further "Patron Saint Of ____" possibility could be the Patron Saint of Those Expecting E-Mail or Notebook or Face Book communication. Reading this book I couldn't help but think of Gerard being at home in our modern world of Texting and "Face Booking", because St. Gerard was someone who wrote a lot of letters - as can be gleaned from the excerpt above from one of his many letters that can be found in the Liguori book listed in this note.
Picture on top is of the Redemptorist St. Gerard Majella [April 6, 1726 to October 16, 1755].