Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 30, 2017


Why not give it your best shot,
even if everything is against you?

Why not say, “Yes” - show up,
and maybe make a difference?

Why not go through the pain and
surprise that this might be your game?

Why not? This might be your chance
to have your Kirk Gibson moment?

 © Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

P.S. For the Sake of Transparency, I'm a Dodger fan - and I caught that Kirk Gibson moment in 1988.  I was all alone and hence I came up with a new definition for celibacy. "Celibacy is you're all alone. You're a Dodger fan. It's the World Series. Oakland is favored. And Kirk Gibson is following the game from the training room.  He was banged up and couldn't play the game. He gets off the training table - heads for the dugout and announces that he wants to pinch hit. There are two outs. It's the bottom half of the ninth inning. The Dodgers are losing 4 to 3 - with one guy on base!!!!!!


Check out the deja vu of the moment above.

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