Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 1, 2016


December is different.

To be honest, in December
we get less work done. No sweat ….

But we get a lot of other things done:
parties, shopping, reaching out,
being with people we might have neglected -
or have lost touch with for a while.

So there is the call or the card, a visit,
a connecting, a gift, a tip,  a surprise!

December is different.

Nostalgia, memories of Christmas past…. Days
are darker.  Jingle bells, Christmas carols ….
Cold moves into our bones a bit much.

And then there’s the Christmas story 
underneath it all. It can get lost, but 
it’s there. There are jokes about the 
Catholic who goes to Mass at least once 
a year. Yet that person gets it - that 
Christmas has the word “Mass” in it -
there at its end. Christ’s Mass = Christmas.

Life is all about food [bread], drink [wine],
gathering and sharing table talk, Good News
with each other - and giving the gift of
ourselves - our body and blood to and
with each other: Eucharist each day.

December is different.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

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