Thursday, October 31, 2013


Quote for Today - October 31, 2013

"Every human being has four hungers; the hunger of the loins, the hunger of the belly, the hunger of the mind, the hunger of the soul.  You can get by a long time on the loins and the belly, but there is a good deal of evidence that even the meanest of men eventually crave something for the mind and the soul."

James Webb, in Arthur Goodfriend, What Is American? [1954]


It seems that Pope Francis it trying to once again open up the doors of the Catholic Church to all human beings who have all these human hungers. So let's drop the rocks. Let's get back to business - that of Jesus' vision of bringing about the Kingdom - on earth as it is in heaven. Let's get back to love not law. Let's stop slamming the doors of our churches and our minds and hearts in the face of so many hungry people. Let's be honest: there have been too many unwelcoming gestures and speeches and comments - that have kept people down the other end of the street.

Picture on top: This is a picture I took on August 31, 2009 - a rainy day - in The Vigellandsparken Sculpture Park in Oslo, Norway. Check it out on Google. You'll see many of the sculptures of Gustave Vigeland [1869-1943] - which depict human beings with their hungers and their thirsts in the cycle of life.

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