Friday, July 1, 2022

 July  1, 2022


Better pray once and a while that your hopes and expectations are not met.

I'm sure someone said something like that somewhere along the line.

But I never explored the reasons, the why's, behind that comment on prayer and hopes.

Maybe, and I've heard this in this context, you will be ruined if you get what you want in life.

In explaining that, you can hear God saying, "Okay, I'll give you what you want and show you how dangerous that can be."

A movie or a play could be based on that theme - sort of like, "It's A Wonderful Life."

Another scenario could be a person laughing at herself or himself after not getting what they hoped and expected. Instead they got something far better. And they are laughing at themselves and with God - with deep prayers of gratitude.

Now, God doesn't work this way.

Life doesn't work this way, of course.

The beauty of life, the mystery of life, is the surprises.

Of course, CEO's, Presidents, and Bishops, are known for their regular command, "No surprises."

But surprise, life is the surprises.

Life is having dreams and hopes and expectations. Life is working hard to achieve those dreams, hopes and expectations. Life is then laughing at oneself  - and at one's dreams - when life doesn't work the way we expected.

And also when I am completely changed - when I see this happening not just to me -  but to everyone.

So Lord, maybe I'll end up  on Calvary with you - and we'll have a good laugh or cry - or maybe we'll be next to each other on the road to Jericho - or in a boat in a storm on the Lake of Tiberius. Who knows? Maybe you don't know either. Maybe you are a God who is a God of Surprises and a God who loves surprises - and is the Surprise.

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