Tuesday, July 2, 2019

July 2, 2019

 [This takes 10  minutes - only 10 minutes.]

Have no socks on. Cross your legs so
your right foot can be easy in  hand!

Begin by massaging your right foot
with both hands for about 5 minutes.

Do your toes - separating your toes -
freely rubbing  them  - appreciating them.

Next still rubbing each toe, pick 5 places
these feet have brought you to in your life.

Next do the same with your left foot,
toes, heel, sole, ankle, all your foot.

Once more while rubbing each toe, pick
5 places these feet have brought you to.

A practice for this exercise could be to soak
both feet in warm water with Epsom Salts.

Another practice would be to read before
you do this exercise John 13: 1-20.

[Do this  for 10 minutes - only 10 minutes.]

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

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