Friday, June 21, 2019

June 19, 2019


The title of my homily for this Wednesday in the  11th  Week  in Ordinary time is, “Give God the Glory, Not Oneself.”

This will be a one minute homily.

“Give God the Glory, Not Oneself.”

We’ve all seen the following while watching a baseball, football or basketball game. An athlete makes a great catch or play and raises his or her index finger to the sky - to give God the Glory.

This the message that Jesus is giving in today’s gospel - Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18

“Give God the Glory, Not Oneself.”

I am trying to remember a scene from a novel about a Boston politician.  He went to Mass every Sunday. He would come down the main aisle - always one minute late - genuflect up front - near the 3rd of 4th row - reach into his pocket -  for his rosary - which would fall onto the floor - to the notice of everyone.

He wasn’t doing all this for God’s glory - but for himself.

“Give God the Glory, Not Oneself.”

That’s what Jesus is getting at in today’s gospel and we get that message.

47 seconds. Thanks for listening.

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