Sunday, April 7, 2019

April    7, 2019

Thought for today: 

“There is an old legend which tells of a powerful genius who  promised  a beautiful maiden a gift of rare value if she would go through a field of corn and select the largest and ripest ear, and in doing so she was not to pause nor go backward nor wander  hither and thither. The value of the gift was to be in proportion  to the  size and perfection of the ear.  The maiden passed by many fine ears, but so anxious was she to get the largest and most perfect that she kept on without plucking any.  Then the ears began to grow smaller, until finally they became so stunted that she was ashamed to pluck any, and not being allowed to go backward, she came out on the other side without any.  For lack of decision she missed the very gift she coveted.”  

Tesa F. Best

1 comment:

Mary Joan said...

Good story to ponder in life .

Do we walk thru life waiting for the best and overlook the beauty all around us ?

I hope I stop and smell the roses .