Tuesday, December 5, 2017



The title of my homily for this First Tuesday in Advent  is from today’s gospel, “What would you like to see?”

In this gospel text from Luke, Jesus turns to his disciples in private and says, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I say to you, many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.” [Cf. Luke 10: 23-24.]

What would you like to see?

We often watch the evening news from Baltimore at 10 PM on WBAL. It regularly  begins with two murders and one fire. I would like to see instead news about a new park - and hear about a night without murders and fires.

I would like to see news about a new vaccine for overcoming cancer.

I would like to see the Koch Brothers or other big donors giving money to double teacher’s salaries in poor neighborhoods rather than that money being given to political parties.

I would like to see that the Catholic Church make some of these possible changes in the annulment process and divorces that Pope Francis talked about.

I would like to see an end to abortion and more people who have had abortions giving those children for adoption.


In today’s first reading from Isaiah 11: 1-16 we have some of the great visions that Isaiah saw.

He saw a stump - the remains of a sawed down tree  - but he saw a shoot coming out of that stump and blossoming.  What looked dead is not dead.

Two people looked at the ground. One saw a stump; the other saw a shoot.

Isaiah saw the Spirit of  God coming down on people who seemed dead. Instead out came a spirit of counsel and of strength, a Spirit  of knowledge and of fear of the Lord .

He saw people not judging by appearance or hearsay.

He saw Justice arising.

Then his imagination takes over and he says he see the wolf being the guest of the Lamb, the leopard lying down with the kid, the calf and the young lion browsing together.


It’s the vision of the Peaceable Kingdom painted from Isaiah’s words  - by Edward Hicks.   He did 62 versions of that scene.

I’d like to see one of those check off lists - like people have for all the Major League Ball Parks - and in time people would travel to get to be in at many as possible - so I’d like to see lists for all the Edward Hicks paintings of the Peaceable Kingdom - and people would try to get to see as many as possible.

How about having the same idea - having lists for all the National Parks etc.


Today make lists of what you would like to see.

For family, for beauty, for the world, for this parish, for this Christmas.

For example, for beauty, I’d like to see Newman Street - which goes straight down to the water from St. Mary’s front door cleaner.  Ooops: Foot in mouth. Maybe I should be the one to clean it.

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