Sunday, November 12, 2017



The title of my homily for this 32 Sunday in Ordinary Time -A - is, “Jesus As a Wisdom Figure.”


Today’s three readings can be interconnected by the theme of wisdom.

Today’s first reading from the Book of Wisdom begins, “Resplendent and unfading is wisdom and she is readily perceived by those who love her and found by those who seek her.”

There’s a whole section of the Jewish Bible that presents wisdom statements, proverbs, and sayings. This type of literature is found in various religions - especially Buddhism and Confucianism.

Today’s second reading from 1st Thessalonians begins by the call to wake up those who have fallen asleep - a constant theme in wisdom literature.

And today’s gospel from Matthew - our gospel writer for this year - we’ve been in the Year of Matthew - year A.

And today’s gospel presents the story of 5 wise virgins vs. 5 foolish virgins.

The wise virgins were prepared and stayed prepared; the fools were those young women who didn’t prepare - didn’t bring enough oil for their wedding lamps - and those who lived in the Mediterranean area knew the games folks played when it came to  being ready to meet the bridegroom when he comes - at a time everyone would least suspect.


The title of my homily is, “Jesus As a Wisdom Figure.”

As you know religion for some folks is declining.  My point in this homily is the following: “Okay some people don’t accept Christ as God - Christ as divine - God as Trinity - with Jesus as the Second Person in the Trinity.

I would hope parents and CCD teachers and Catechism and Catholic School teachers, would reflect on teaching our kids about Christ as a wisdom figure or teacher.

This is not to say, “Christ is not divine”. This is not to say, “We’re not trying to not push Jesus as divine.”

But it is to say, “Maybe those who have dropped away from the Church - those who dropped Christ as divine - might take this middle role for Christ - Christ as a wisdom teacher.


My approach would be to ask people who their wisdom figures are.

My approach would be to ask people, “Where do they get your wisdom?”

My approach would be to ask folks who their best wisdom teachers are and what they specifically learned from that person.

I would say I learned the Methodology of Questions from an old Polish teacher named Clement Jedrejewski.

I would say I learned a lot of wisdom from writers like Robert Coles, Patricia Livingston, Sheldon Kopp,  John Shea, Paul Tournier,  Barbara Taylor, Robert Fulghum, John Dunne, John O’Donohue, Sheila Moon, Elizabeth Howes, Thich Nhah Han, and many others…..

Currently I’m reading a book about what’s going on with religion in China. Someone recommended it when I asked him, “What book are you reading right now?” and he answered, The Souls of China: The Return of Religion after Mao, by Ian Johnson.

Then there are lectures, Ted Talks on YouTube, and many other sources and ways of  growing in wisdom.

If the other person is not interested in reading and learning and growing in wisdom - then forget it.

But if the person is seriously interested in growing in wisdom - even though they have dropped away from religion and church and Catholicism, then I would move to stressing, “Consider Christ as a wisdom figure.”


I would suggest to that person to watch Zefferelli’s Life of Christ on their computer and just see Jesus as a wisdom teacher.   You can get that on YouTube for free.

Next I would suggest trying to get a copy of the black and white film on Jesus - called The Gospel According to Matthew - 1964. It’s directed by Pier Paolo Pasonlini.  Watch it as you would be seeing Christ as a wisdom figure.  You can also get this for free on the Internet.

You could also look at movie versions of Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar.

Next I would suggest to people to line up their top 15 parables - and hear Jesus telling them as a wisdom figure.

Or I would suggest reading the Gospel of Matthew - our text for this year = and read as Christ telling wisdom stuff.  

I would go through the Gospel of Matthew and say things, “Some see it as Jesus giving us Wisdom teachings. Read the sermon on the Mount as a separate document - and pick out wisdom statements like: Go the extra mile - Turn the other cheek - don’t see the specks in your brother or sister’s eye and miss the big 2 by 4 in your own eye - don’t pray to be seen - when you pray go into your inner room where nobody sees you - adultery and robbery - you can commit those sins in your mind and heart - without doing it in actuality, You can’t serve two masters, you’ll either hate the one the other.  Enter by the narrow gate….


Get to know Jesus as a wisdom teacher and surprise you’ll be like someone on the edge of the crowd - who reaches out and touches the hem of Jesus’  garment and surprise all that will follow after that. Amen.

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