Friday, September 22, 2017

September 22, 2017


Winter: déjà vu, the snow
falls, the ground freezes,
the earth becomes sullen,
silent nights, slippery roads,
the inner longing for spring.

Spring: déjà vu,  the leaves
bud, becoming leaves,
becoming background, birds
find their way back to our
backyards, summer's coming.

Summer: déjà vu, watermelons
make their appearance along
with vacation, along with lawn
mowers, softball and Frisbee,
looking forward to cool of fall.

Autumn: déjà vu, leaves change,
leaves fall, the rustle of leaves,
giving hints of more changes
to come - Thanksgiving - frost -
decay - death at the edges of life.

 © Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

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