Friday, July 28, 2017

July 28, 2017


What was going on in the lives
of Hieronymus Bosch and Dante
Alghieri that they described their
daily life the way they did? Inferno!

My life:  not a golf course of horrors
like Bosch’s canvasses of naked
people jabbing people with spears and
gigantic knives cutting people in half.

Nor like a dark wood - in a midlife
crisis - like Dante’s journey through
an Inferno in the nine circles of hell,
navigating its hills and horrors.*

Daily hell? Of course there are everyday
problems like the crush and rush of
traffic jams - but there are also ice cream
cones on a hot summer night: Paradiso.

So Dante and Bosch - you’re a bit too much.
But Dante and Bosch - when I read your words
and look at your pictures, I’d have to admit,
I want heaven and to be far from hell. Amen.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017
*"Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita."

Dante [c. 1265-1321]
Great Nose

Dante listening to Dante
with his ear buds....

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