Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June 7, 2016


Tightened fist:
every time she yelled at him
as a kid - for not making his
bed - for not eating his veggies -
for not doing his homework
immediately - like right now.

Tightened fist:
every time a teacher punished
him - every time a coach pushed
him - every time a classmate hit
him on the bus - back and forth
to school or in the playground.

Tightened fist:
every time he fought back -
that is till he learned it's
not smart - others are
sometimes bigger and
quicker than he was.

Tightened fist:
every time his mind tightened
when people talked politics - till
he realized these moments were
causing him spiritual arthritis long
before most people get real arthritis.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

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