Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 16, 2015


Sitting on Table 10, I saw a gal sitting on
Table 8 - cup her left hand over her mouth -
and whisper with a slightly bent body - 
to the gal sitting right next to her.

A lady walking by stopped at Table 9. She
bent over to whisper something to a man 
sitting there all alone as his wife was
on the dance floor with some other man.

Then the first whisperer - the one on 
Table 8 - whispered again to the lady
next to her - this time laughing and 
pointing at the guy on Table 9 who was
just tapped on the shoulder by so and so.

Then the whisperer on Table 8 spotted me 
on Table 10 whispering about her with cupped hand to the person on my right with a slight
point of hand - as I was laughing and telling 
about what I was seeing going on over there.

Moral of the story: Sometimes banquets
have nothing to do with the food.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2015

Painting: Dance at Le Moulin
de la Galette [1876]
Auguste Renoir, 
Musee d'Orsay, Paris

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