Monday, February 16, 2015

February 16, 2015


The church was filled with the usual
Sunday Morning crowd. The usual ushers
were ushering in folks to their preferential seats.
People were checking watches and cell phones.
Two or three kids were letting out some preliminary
sounds and screams. Various folks were looking
around at the different visitors, regulars, and giving
signals to friends  they knew various places in town.

Then the silent conversations began.

Some sat there - eyes closed in prayer - for family,
neighbors, relatives and friends.  Others were
busy making inner comments about themselves,
what’s going on in their lives, or that priest up there
and so and so at the organ. Horrible music as
usual. Why don’t they get a new music director.
And what’s with that lady in the fourth row – in
that dress. Doesn’t she know she’s in church?
And that teenager  - the one there with the tattoos.

And God looked at all who were there this morning –
rejoicing at all these people – all these people who
were there for all kinds of reasons: feeling emptiness
or they were chewing the cud of anger  or they felt
the need for bread from the table or wine from the

table this Sunday. Amen. Come Lord Jesus. Amen.

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