Friday, January 24, 2014


On foot beats driving every time ….
Those in cars might miss the sight
of tree roots and what they can do
to sidewalks - causing cracks and
pushing up bricks and cement ….
Walking on foot - one sees the poetry
of frozen footprints in snow and ice
as well as of dead leaves  lingering
in corners and under wooden porches
and dead cigarettes outside churches.
Walking strengthens legs and lungs -
and gives one a feel for variations
of wind - breeze - gusts - gales -
as well as chance meetings with
neighbors - the mail carrier and 
a baby smiling at us - as a mom
in sporty gear glides by us with a baby
carriage in front of her - and sometimes
we spot a perfectly good ballpoint pen
someone dropped on the sidewalk
and we end up using it for a year
and a half - - or we spot both halves
of a photograph of a couple -
ripped in two lying next
to a tough plastic garbage can.
What happened? Did roots
or the push of underneath stuff
erupt and disrupt their dream
of a picture perfect future?
On foot beats driving every time ….
Sidewalk stories  - a novel in
progress - the stuff we can read
as we walk on foot on snow, on ice,
as well as on the boxed cement or
red or yellow brick roads of life.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2014

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