Sunday, November 20, 2011


Quote for Today - November 20,  2011

"Wisdom comes by disillusionment."

George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905-1906


Spell out a wisdom statement that came to you as a result of a disillusionment. For example, "I should have listened to my friends about him [or her]. He [or she] was too good to be true. I guess I refused to look at what was staring me in the face.

Is the following true? There are 6 people in a marriage. The he,  he thinks he is, the he, she thinks he is, the he, he really is. The she, she thinks she is. The she, he thinks she is. The she, she really is. Is that true? Or are there more - based on growth or decay?


Garnet said...

Almost wants to make one eschew wisdom! *laughs*

Patrick said...

Or old people are wise because they have had more time to make mistakes.