Sunday, July 19, 2009



The title of my homily is, “How Am I Doing?”**


I read today’s readings and it struck me that as far as I know, nobody in this parish is a shepherd.

Yet the readings challenge shepherds to be good shepherds.

Then it hit me: what about all the other roles we play in life? How am I doing as a mom or a dad, a husband or a wife, a brother or a sister, a friend, a fireman or a coach, a neighbor or a driver, a dentist or a bar tender?

How am I doing?


Haven’t we all been to a restaurant and the waiter or waitress was neat. She was there for us, but out of ear shot. She was there when we wanted a refill on water. She had scanned all the glasses as she was walking by after taking the orders from two tables away. She was there when we wanted the bill. And in between we found out – because we asked her – that she’s at Anne Arundel Community College and hopes to finish at Maryland. She wants to be a lawyer some day. And she told us this rather quickly, because she had work to do.

We’re driving through a toll booth heading east on the Bay Bridge. We don’t have E-Z Pass and in that 7 seconds of giving the guy a 5 dollar bill and getting our $2.50 in change – we experience neat positive energy, a smile, a “Have a great day!” and we have a tiny up-draft in our spirit as a result of that quick simple human transaction.

We’re at the beach and we’re relaxing with some folks renting next door and we’re talking about high school – and we begin talking about teachers and we jump in with praise for a great teacher we had in our high school junior year – and the lingering neatness of that person is still with us after 35 years.

We’re on vacation in Wyoming or South Carolina and we find a Catholic Church for Sunday morning – and we’re having breakfast afterwards – and we’re saying to each other. “That priest seemed like such a nice guy. The sermon was excellent and it was only 5 minutes. He got to the point – said it – gave a great example – and that was it. Neat.” And a month later we realized we told at least 15 people about a wonderful church and priest we experienced in Wyoming or South Carolina.


Is there anyone on the planet this summer bragging about us – and they haven’t seen or been with us in 35 years?

What kind of aftertaste do I leave?

What will they be saying about me at my funeral?

Or better, what do the nurses say about us at a coffee break when we’re in room 356? Will someone say, “Patient 356 is the most impatient patient I’ve had in that room this year?” Or would they say, “Room 356: neat person?”

How am I doing?

What are the ingredients – qualities – gifts – we expect of others?

What are my expectations for a fellow worker – a neighbor – a friend?

What happens when I walk in a room?

What happens when my kids see me getting out of the car and heading for the house?

Am I able to describe myself as a spouse, dad, mom, friend, neighbor, car pool person, driver?

Could I answer the question, “How am I doing?” Or do we need to get that feedback from others? Is the old saying true: “No one can be judge in their own case or cause?” ["In propri cuus nemo judex."]

Today’s first reading, in giving a job description for a good shepherd, begins negatively. Jeremiah says “Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture, says the Lord.”

Jeremiah says that the Lord wants shepherds who care for the sheep – bring them to good meadows – shepherds who don’t scare the sheep – shepherds who don’t lose sheep.

When Jesus gave his message about being a good shepherd, he gives pretty much the same message. The distinction that hits me: am I a hireling or a real shepherd. Is it a job or is it a pleasure to be with you? Do I know the sounds of those I’m with each day? Can I read faces, moods, attitudes? [Cf. John 1o:1-18]

Today’s Psalm in between the first and second readings – the famous Psalm 23 – has the best description of a good person that I’ve ever heard, “Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life.”

Let’s be honest, most of us get mixed reviews. Is that why the marriage vows have the worse with the better?

I don’t know of any elected official who has 100 % approval ratings.

I remember mentioning in a sermon something that I read somewhere. “When it comes to being a priest, 1/3 like you, 1/3 don’t like you, 1/3 don’t care either way.” I have had people say you’re doing a good job and I know some people that wish it was another priest who came down the aisle – but they’re stuck with me.

And I know when it comes to preaching, we’re not in the business of preaching to be liked. The task is to try to capture and proclaim a message from the readings of the day. However, when it comes to being a human being, who wants negative ratings or to be disliked?

As priest I have given many workshops, missions, retreats where they ask folks to fill out evaluation forms. Then they give the results to the speaker. To be honest I am only appreciative of specific recommendations – specific suggestions where I could improve.

I remember giving a presentation on “Skills for Running Small Groups” to the priests of the Syracuse Diocese. The priests had the option to go to various speakers. I gave the same talk twice: in the morning and again in the afternoon – on a two and a half day program. Then the other half of the diocese came for the second half of the week – and once more I gave that presentation twice. The numbers kept going down. Obviously, they were talking to each other. Obviously, people asked people, “Who’s good? Who’s not?”

If you’re in the business, you got to be able to take the heat.

Some of you, upon hearing that, might say, “I gotta give that guy a cookie. He’s gotta be feeling bad.”

Nope. I’m a diabetic.

Nope. But the readings for today challenge me to ask, “How am I doing as a priest?” because "shepherd" is a word used especially for the pope, bishops, pastors and priests.

And today we Redemptorists are celebrating the feast of Christ the Redeemer. How are we Redemptorists doing here at St. Mary’s and how are we doing around the world?

Being specific, I hope I have improved through the years. I know when I do a good job, a decent job, a poor job. And there are times when I don’t know how I did.

Then I remember what my mom and so many other folks have said, “Do your best! In fact, that’s all you can do.”

Then I remember a story I heard Father Mike Dillon, a Redemptorist, say at least a dozen times. He’d say, “As Father Mike Downing used to say. ‘Do your best! And if they don’t like your best, they’ll get a replacement.’”

Let me move the energy that I might have generated in how priests are doing to all of us here today. What would it be like to have evaluation forms on our kitchen table? What would it be like if all of us were evaluated as spouse, parent, brother, sister, friend, coworker, insurance sales person, usher, or driver or how we park?

Today’s gospel has Jesus needing to escape – needing a rest. He tells his disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”

They tried it – but as we heard, it didn’t work. They got crowded. Evidently Jesus had something everyone wanted.

Yet Jesus needed space and he did find it at times.

How about you? Do you take walks by yourself? Do you escape from everyone at times while on vacation? Do you talk to loved ones from time to time on how you’re doing as a spouse or parent or what have you?

Evaluations are tough stuff. Those of you who work in places where there is peer evaluation know what I’m talking about.

If done well, calmly, with specifics, we’d have better marriages, stores, medical practices and parishes.

“Ooops!” on that last one: parishes. Sermon and Mass and parish evaluations are rare.

Enough already, in case you’re a short sermon advocate and you’re evaluating my time. My time goal is 10 minutes. How did I do?

How are you doing?

How are we doing as the flock of Christ the Good Shepherd here at St. Mary’s Annapolis. Good or Baaaaaa?
[Make sheep sound!]

*Painting on top: Christ the Good Shepherd, from Cameroon
** This is Ed Koch's, former mayor of New York City, question.

Friday, July 17, 2009


The stranger sat there at Gate 43.

I sat there waiting in that same airport alcove.

Now and then the stranger would turn a page
of his big newspaper and as he did,
he would look up to watch whoever was walking by.

I too was watching, reading him
reading people walking by.

I like to watch and wonder about people –
who’s with whom and where are they going?

A loud loudspeaker announced an arriving flight.

The stranger didn’t seem to hear that – even when
a door opened. At that clusters of people stood up
looking for people coming through a doorway.

I love this moment. I love to see people
waiting for people, faces recognizing faces,
wives husbands, parents children,
lovers lovers, friends friends.

The stranger just sat there – still reading his paper.

Then he looked at his watch, folded up his paper.

His face twisted a bit. It seemed negative.

He stood up, and headed out onto
the main walking rug, heading towards an escalator.

Still sitting there, I watched him walk away,
wondering who he was and who he was waiting for.

Quietly, you walked up unnoticed and said, “Hi stranger.”

It was then I saw another person in another chair
watching me – and he had a smile on his face.

It told me he too was waiting and watching.

Now about that stranger …. There are some things
I guess we’ll never know. “Bye stranger.”

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2009


Lonely, and the only sounds,
(and they were loud)
were the clinking and cutting
of meat on their porcelain plates,
plus the return of coffee cups
to their saucers. The love sounds
of their marriage stopped several years ago.
Both refused to face their consequences.
Both tried to survive in separate corners
of their empty bed and heads,
and their silent dinner table.
Their parents said it was because
they stopped going to church. They knew
it was because they stopped going
to communion to each other.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2009


[This is a weekday homily - 15 Friday in Ordinary Time. Readings: Exodus 11:10-12:14; Matthew 12:1-8. The painting is entitled, "Good Samaritan". It's by Ben Long. It's can be seen in Riverside Baptist Church in Charlotte, N.C. He is the only non-Italian to do a painting at the Abbey of Montecassino, Italy.]


The title of my homily is, “Mercy Versus Sacrifice.”

Today’s gospel has the startling statement: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice….”

That statement is worth wrestling with all our lives.

That statement is very challenging – as well as intriguing.

“Mercy Versus Sacrifice.”


Today’s first reading talks about the Pascal Lamb – who sacrifices his life – his blood for the good of the people. No sacrifice; no meal.

Today’s first reading talks about the Unleavened Bread – baked and eaten fast – for the good of those who are celebrating Passover.

Jesus certainly stressed sacrifice – and here we are at the sacrifice of the Mass. Here we face the gigantic cross of sacrifice. And the Greek word used is, “Thusia” – “sacrifice”. It refers to the act of offering – the slaying of the victim. Jesus would be very aware of the Passover – and the slaying of the Lamb. Josephus in his writings about Jerusalem around the time of Jesus said that 255,600 lambs were slaughtered in a single afternoon. The sound of lambs being slaughtered during Jesus' last days were all background sounds for the Passover Meal – the Last Supper – the meal we’re celebrating right now.

And Jesus is the Lamb of God – sacrificed for the good of those who eat him – who are part of the Meal. May his blood be upon us and upon our children.

Love is sacrifice. Greater love no one has than they lay down their life for their friends. We know raising a family – takes great sacrifice. We know making a marriage work – calls for great sacrifice.

So a good case can me made for sacrifice over mercy – not that mercy isn’t important.


Yet Jesus quotes Hosea 6:6, the great 8th century B.C. prophet , “For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.”

Obviously, both are important.

Yet Hosea and Jesus are giving the warning – that life calls for both – but we better not become crazy when it comes to the letter of the law. We better not become rigid in religion: we better see that a big heart is key to religion – key to Christianity.

The Greek word used is, “Eleon”. It’s translated into English with the word “mercy”. We know this word “eleon” when we say or sing the Greek words of our Mass, “eleison” – as in Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison.

Biblical Scholars like John L. McKenzie said “mercy” as the word used to translate “eleos” is inadequate. It seems that no word works in English. Eleos – is the Greek word used to translate the Hebrew word, “Hesed”.

Mercy means showing great kindness, understanding, walking in another’s shoes. It means empathy – this word they were trying to pin on Sonia Sotomayor – that a judge better not have empathy. Give me a break. In fact, “Give me a break” is part of the meaning of “eleos”.

Eleos” – the Greek word in today’s text, “Hesed” the Hebrew word used in Hosea 6:6 which Jesus refers to in today’s gospel – means kindness, understanding, generosity.

Jesus is saying, “Come on give us a break. My disciples are starving – and people are hungry and starving on the Sabbath, so let them eat – even though you think it’s breaking the Sabbath Law.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve met folks whose modus operandi seems to be obligation and law, law, law, and that’s how they see God. And I know they are probably not going to change and I almost at 70 am not going to change either, so I figure the message better be that we have mercy on each other.

St. Ambrose said, “Mercy is not … pronouncing judgment on another another’s lack, but in relieving his necessities; in giving aid to the poor, not in inquiring how good they are.”

Thomas Merton wrote in Life and Holiness, [1963] “Unless we learn the meaning of mercy by exercising it towards others, we will never have any real knowledge of what it means to love Christ.”

Anthony De Mello likes to tell little parables. Here’s one: “When one of his disciples was guilty of a serious lapse everyone expected the Master to give him some exemplary punishment. When nothing was done for a whole month someone tried to correct the Master. 'We cannot ignore what has happened. After all, God has given us eyes.' 'Yes' replied the Master, 'and eyelids.'”

Arjan who died in 1606, a member of the Sikh Religion said, “Mercy to human beings is more acceptable than bathing at the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage, and than all alms offered there.”

I think he stole that last part from Jesus’ comment about the widow who put her two pennies into the temple treasury.


The title of my homily is, “Mercy Versus Sacrifice.”

I am not saying that sacrifice isn’t important. I’m saying what Jesus said in today’s gospel, “If you knew what this meant, I desire mercy, not sacrifice, you would not have condemned these innocent men.”

I don’t know what your dad was like, but my dad was easy going - a piece of cake – and rigid folks have told me, “It’s obvious.”

I don’t know what your God is like, but this is the God I have experienced in Jesus Christ and in the New Testament and I hope and pray people say, “It’s obvious.”

P.S. I just got home from the 8 AM Mass and found the following story someone sent me in an e-mail. It fits. Life is interesting. The author's name is not mentioned.


A woman was at work when she received a phone call that her small daughter was very sick with a fever.

She left her work and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication.

She got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys in the car.

She didn't know what to do, so she called home and told the baby sitter what had happened.

The baby sitter told her that the fever was getting worse.

She said, "You might find a coat hanger and use that to open the door."

The woman looked around and found an old rusty coat hanger that had been left on the ground, possibly by someone else who at some time had locked their keys in their car. She looked at the hanger and said, "I don't know how to use this."

She bowed her head and asked God to send her help.

Within five minutes a beat up old motor cycle pulled up, with a dirty, greasy, bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag on his head.

The woman thought, "This is what you sent to help me?"

But, she was desperate, so she was also very thankful.

The man got off his cycle and asked if he could help.

She said, "Yes, my daughter is very sick. I stopped to get her some medication and I locked my keys in my car. I must get home to her. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?"

He said, "Sure."

He walked over to the car, and in less than a minute the car was opened.

She hugged the man and through her tears she said, "Thank You So Much! You are a very nice man."

The man replied, "Lady, I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison today. I was in prison for car theft and have only been out for about an hour."

The woman hugged the man again and with sobbing tears cried out loud, "Oh, thank you God!

You even sent me a Professional!!!'"

Is - GOD GOOD - or what!!!???

Thursday, July 16, 2009


In the middle of the dinner
with a plate holding 3 half eaten
roasted potato spears – soft
pork – done just right – just
enough juice – neither soggy
nor tough, she got up,
went into the kitchen,
went “Phew!” Then --- she grabbed,
yes “grabbed,” 3 chocolate
chip cookies and crumbled
them into her mouth in seconds.
When you’re not getting
affirmation or recognition
in the dining room for all the work
you’ve done in the kitchen,
it’s chocolate chip cookie time,
I repeat, "Chocolate chip cookie time!"
It is not good to be alone.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2009


Am I dark red Jell-O,
no longer in hot water,
just sitting here
on this refrigerator shelf
in the dark,
waiting in the cold quiet,
not knowing what’s next?
Will anyone be excited,
when I make my appearance
at the family table?
Will I still have my shake?
Am I the only dessert
or do I have competitors?

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2009


The new baby, celebration,
but then the cries in the night,
last week my single aunt’s funeral,
the one we took in for the last
two years, a sweetheart, tears,
miss her already, but now time to catch up
with what we missed these past two years,
losing hair, gaining weight,
the first dent in the new car,
the pay check and then the fuel bill....

As the wise formulate it,
“Additions and subtractions:
the mathematics of life and love.”

We watch TV, relax, and kill time.
We take vacations that go too fast.
Days come; days go. Wheat and grapes
are crushed. How else do we get
bread and wine? We give; we take.
We fall on our knees in hurt;
we rise up with hope.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2009