Sometimes a man or a woman find
themselves in the presence
of an older person, who is self educated,
alive, in top shape, who exercises daily
and they start to feel small and stupid
for being out of shape or for not reading.
Sometimes a woman finds herself
in the presence of a woman her own age
who is extremely alive and beautiful,
someone who watches her diet and figure,
and thinking of self, the result is anger
for not taking care of oneself,
for feeling oh so bloated and oh so ugly.
Sometimes we meet a person of deep prayer
and charity and concern for others,
and we see our own selfishness and smallness
and sulk settles in. Then some of these feelings –
keep sloshing around inside of us
sometimes for years, sometimes for years.
Sometimes there is a moment .…
Well, this is the way deep conversions happen,
we go to a wake or a wedding,
or we’re gardening or in a plane or at an airport,
and we have a life changing insight or question.
Sometimes we’re simply reading a novel
or the Bible, for example, the gospel story
of Peter meeting Jesus and Jesus fills
Peter’s empty boat with fish – after fishing
all night and catching nothing – and we hear Peter
mumbling to Jesus, “Leave me alone Lord.
I am a sinful man.” When someone says that,
they are about to get it - a full boat "get it".
And we hear Jesus say,
“Don’t be afraid. Come follow me.
There are lot more fish to catch.
There is a lot more empty to fill.
There’s a lot more love for you to give.” **
Sometimes that’s all it takes.
Sometimes that’s how it happens.
* Augustine, The Confessions
of Saint Augustine,
Book 8, Chapter 12, Section 29,
Doubleday Image Book,
Translated by John K. Ryan;
Paul, Letter to the Romans 13:13-14.
** (Luke 5:1-12; John 21: 1-25)
© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2009