Sunday, June 25, 2017

June 25, 2017


Sometime there in his 40’s he got stuck.
Till then he took staircases when it came to
understanding and figuring out the more of life.

Then he was hit by an invisible paralysis.
Now it was escalators.  He could move -
outwardly. Inwardly he was  stuck.

He remained in that mind set for about
15 years - same job, same car pool, and
same chatter on the way to and from work.

Then - around 60 - he became all eyes.
He  climbed on inner elevators - silently -
gradually seeing all - God, others, life, himself.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Saturday, June 24, 2017

June 24, 2017


Walking down the street
on a hot summer day,
I spotted - in front of me -
a gal wearing a blue 
summer dress with a
round hole in the back.
Neat! Some designer’s trick.
Couldn’t help but think:
“Next time I wear socks
with holes in them -  
when someone stops 
to tell me, 'Hey, you got
got holes in your socks.'
I'm going to say, 'Hey, 
I’m wearing designer socks!’"

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Friday, June 23, 2017

June 23, 2017


Some people are catchy.
They bedazzle the crowd
upon every entrance.

Some people are ugly.
They pit-bull the crowd
if allowed to come near.

Some people are sweet.
They smile the crowd
into liking them immediately.

Some people are you and me.
By the way, what do people do
when we come into a room?

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Thursday, June 22, 2017

June 22, 2017


There are seven ways,
and only seven ways
to enjoy an ice cream cone.
First:  top down lick, consuming the first cold
          sucks of a just bought ice cream cone;       
second: sideways licks around the sides
          but above the cone’s edge;
next: when outside on the summer sidewalk
         quick licks of melting drips
   and leaking ice cream;
next: bites - good teeth grabbing bites
         of small slabs of cold ice cream;
five:  slow, very slow, sucking and pulling
         into one’s mouth of mostly liquid
   ice cream - but with at least
   two paper napkins in hand;
sixth: sharing the same cone - but with
          two scoops to begin - with one’s beloved;
and seventh: sharing part two of one’s cone
          with one’s little kids. Ooooh good!

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


It’s not smart to become numb -
to become inoculated by self -
so as to not notice the person
right next to us - who is hurting,
who is hungry, who is poor, who
is reaching out to us, who wants 
to say something - because when 
we become numb to others, we are 
not receiving holy communion 
with the rest of the body - and 
Christ remains  - just is in the dark -
not being eaten up - just stuck in too
many metal or wooden tabernacles.
Christ no longer walks our streets.
Christ no longer talks at our tables.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017
June 21, 2017

One never knows

who and what's out there -

that is, till we launch

out into the deep for a catch.

[Now read Luke 5: 1-11.]


Tuesday, June 20, 2017



The title of my homily for this 11th Monday in Ordinary Time is, “I Hate You.”

Have we ever heard someone say those three words in our lifetime?

Have we ever said them?

Has anyone ever said those three words at us?


We might have heard a little kid screaming those words at a parent. They want ice cream or candy or to stay up late and they are not getting their way - and so they scream, “I hate you.”

And once a kid learns those words - especially the hate word - they might then say it at another kid in the family or some kid in a game.

It’s a different  sentence - when adults scream out those three words.

Teen agers - in the midst of a fight with parents - for example when it comes to whom they are dating or hanging with - or when privileges are taken away - those 3 words have more power than that of a tiny kid - but when adults say those 3 words - then we’re in serious territory.

If they come  home - back home - and they hear “I love you!” - that’s a thunder storm moment - and “I love you” after a horrible “I hate you”  experience - is so much more powerful than before.


We’re moving along each day now in the Sermon on the Mount - for our weekday Mass gospel text.

Today Jesus uses the word, “hate” when he says, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’”

The verb used for hate is miseo!

Bruce Malina and Richard Rohrbaugh - in their book, Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels - tell us that when the people of the Mediterranean world used the words “love” and “hate” it was a bit different than the way we would use those two words today.

We would think of these two words more in psychological terms, especially in one to one terms. In Jesus’  world, we’d be thinking more in group terms - and especially “attachment” - “group attachment” - terms.  So if I love someone -  I’m attached to this other person’s family - and family is one’s big circles.  If I hate someone I want to be separate from another or from the group or family they belong to.

So the elder  brother of the Prodigal Son - doesn’t want to go into the house - into the celebration for the returned son and brother - into the whole family who is celebrating his return.


Jesus sees all this. When he heals someone - he  tells them to go home to their family to celebrate the recovery and the healing - of being part of the family once again.

So the stress in Jesus’ time is community, the group, attachment to the group -  more than just one to one.

The stress for today, hopefully would have that - seeing hatred in how Jesus saw hatred - how it destroys community. We need to learn how to forgive one’s brother or sister from the heart - seeing family all together again - as it was in the past.

But we have learned that hatred - hurts the hater - besides hurting the person who hears, “I hate you.”  We need to see how hatred boomerangs back to the thrower - the screamer.

So in one-to-one hatred screams - we need to realize both the other and ourselves - are in on the impact. Sometimes we forget  how hatred or anger or what have you grips and grabs us as well.

I noticed this quote last night. It’s from Jose Marti [1853-1895] who said in his, Manifesto of Montechristi [1895]  “Only  those who hate the Negro see hatred in the Negro.”

It’s called projection and transference in psychology.

Once we realize these kinds of things we can grow.

Jonathan Swift [1667-1745]  said, “We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.” [Cf: "Thoughts on Various Subjects"; from Miscellanies [1711]


So that’s why we come to Mass - come to church, mosque, synagogue and temple - we come for more religion. We come to move for more love and the lessening of hatred.